(Sorry, long, rambling, unthought-out thread here) I've lost count of the amount of times I have been proud to call myself an Unioner, and of their commitment to direct, and often local action instead of parrotting nebulous and often ultimately meaningless phrases.

I know personally people at the club who take very seriously their commitment to eradicating racism from the club, as well as from football itself. But I have seen and heard racism in the stands, as well as on the way to and from games too many times before.
I have always shied away from acknowledging it. I've accentuated the positives, I've said it comes only from a small minority (which is also true), all because I don't want my own romantic image of the club to be tarnished, and I don't want to be guilty through association.
Or, to be honest, to endanger my privileged position of being able to write about the club I adore in the city I love.
When it happens it is a reflection of a broader racism in Germany, and in football, but that is no excuse for my inaction, for my sitting on my hands and hoping the problem goes away, so I can just go back to hailing them as a rebellious club from a rebellious city.
I don't need a football club to represent a moral authority, as I don't need to look to footballers to show me how to lead my life. I am a fucking grown up, and I know what is right and what is wrong. But it is time that I acknowledged this, and no longer absolve myself.
I don't know if Florian Hübner is racist, or if he racially abused Nadiem Amiri. I hope he isn't and didn't. But if he did I'd like the club to show the values I know they share and make a stand. They need to be rebellious and say that this is not acceptable.
And in doing so they will make a point to the entire fanbase that any racism of any kind, no matter the tiny minority or any context, is unacceptable in the future at Union. We can ALL work harder, let this be a kick up the arse.
I don't care about the Bundesliga. I don't care about Europe. I don't care if the best defensive partnership the club have ever had is endangered. All I want is to be proud to call myself an Unioner and it seems today I am not able to do that today in all good conscience.

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