Honestly it's really your fault you were the ones who took an old man with a history of bullshit and put him as the head of your movements.. and then u acted surprised when he ran it into the groundd

@AnnCoulter @RichardBSpencer

The right wing populists from various movements all put trump as the head and the face of their movements.. and he proceeded to do nothing for them and actually made life worse for them by allowing censorship of them and doing nothing about it

Those people were objectively worse off after Trump than before trump.. and it's not because of that "he can't do anything".. there was a lot he could do.. least of which would at least be bringing the problem to National attention.. which he didn't do until it affected him
But even then there was so much he could have done.. from executive orders to his control of the FCC and taking control of the FBI and other organizations.. but instead he seems totally disinterested in doing the job and alligator all of his responsibilities to Jared kushnerr
And that's what you get for hiring an old lazy man Boomer to be in charge of your movement.. he could have done a lot.. he we have done a lot.. he could have made censorship illegal.. he could have investigated the people you wanted investigated. instead he let Lindsay Graham in
And that resulted in life getting worse for his supporters.. not better.. as the head of the most powerful office in the world his excuse that his hands were tied was a lie.. and if he really didn't have control over these agencies?. That's his own fault too..
And again.. this is not even to say that there's not aspects of the right-wing populist movement that are good and should be supported.. it's to say that they pick terrible people to be in charge.. u took a lazy camera chasing old man and tried to turn him into something he wasnt
It's clear he only ran for president for the fame of it.. not because he actually wanted the job.. he spent more time kissing up to Bob Woodward than he did to Tucker carlson.. he spent more time capitulating to violent left when protesters than to his own voter b
And when he got into office he seemed uninterested in doing any work.. he spent up to eight hours a day doing private time which included watching cable news (who watches cable news?.) and tweeted

he hired his kids who were unqualified and refused to fire them because. nepotism
Auntie delegated all of his responsibilities to his underlings.. and then acts surprised because he wasn't paying attention what they were doing.. his own administration negotiated the $600.. then he acted surprised because he wasn't part of it..
corrupt people like Tim Cook Kim jong-un and Bob Woodward were easily able to get the better of him because of his ego and narcississ.. give him a few compliments. Called him "your Excellency"" and he's like putty in your hands.. telling Bob Woodward the most damaging thingss
Probably because he was skated by as a left-wing celebrity for so many years.. and people kind of just tolerated him or kissed up to him because there was no reason not to.. so he foolishly thought he couldd because you can't teach an old dog new tric
and corrupt people are always going to try to weasel their way in to his good graces started to manipulate him.. while his supporters demand things of h

Of course he goes running to the people that pay him compliments instead of criticism
but those are all just a few examples.. the bottom line is it's his own base his fault.. they took a man that was disinterested and not cut out for the job and they tried to turn him into something he was never goingg to be
They were so desperate for a leader of their movement that they took the worst person possible

And then he proceeded to run their movement into the grou..

Bullshit about him being a fighter lol.. he was a pussy..
A capitulated tothe left every time they demanded something.. he lost almost every head-to-head battle he went up against Nancy Pelosi with.. he was too weak to even take on impeachment.. leaving Obama's people in charge.. the government shutdown..
Don't tell me he was a fighter.. he would talk tough on Twitter and get himself into trouble but he never did a damn thing.. the movement would have been better off without him.. and it was their fault for putting him in c

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