People are already attacking Siegel as a 'Fox News guy'.

See...this is why I don't believe the Left really believes in science either...just their narrative.

Siegel does work for Fox, but is a Professor at NYU, FACP, etc.

But liberals are going to dismiss him...why?

If your first response is to dismiss someone because of their political or media affiliation...maybe consider that it is YOU that is the biased one.

Just saying.
Siegel may do a good job, or bad job (like Sanjay Gupta, who has done a good job in the past, but been awful of late). But he is a good physician. Just dismissing him without evidence is exactly the kind of thing Trump would do.
If we were consistent, we'd demand Biden perform tests on air too.

Of course, Dems don't want to do that. So there is a ton of hypocrisy here.

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