In the din of non stop whining, cribbing, name calling, "mere symbolism" jibes... we did, or at least I did, miss such important, life changing, and refreshingly positive news about our country.

I would suggest everyone to stop what they are doing and spend 15 mins listening to sri gajendra singh shekawat ji on air. 2+
Swacch Bharat 1.0 was all about ODF India. And this was achieved >95% by Oct 2019. A full 11 years before UN Sustainable Development Goal #6 of 2030. A towering achievement indeed. But 2020 heralded the start of Swacch Bharat or ODF 2.0 which includes
- Biodegradable and feacal waste management by turning it into compost.
- Plastic waste management so that it doesn't corrupt the environment.
- Greywater management - treating so that it can be used for non-potable uses, diverting it into soak / magic pits, 4+
used for gardens / agri.
- Treating it and putting it back into soil for water table improvement.
- Gobardhan scheme which helps farmers earn more by converting gobar into CBG [Compressed Bio Gas] [not our CBG @OnlyNakedTruth] 5+
This is being implemented in Gram Panchayat's across the country. One can see how it is being done state by state here: For example, Telangana's approach sample here.

Due to Swacch Bharat it is estimated each household in India [19 crores] saved about Rs 50,000 due to less transmission of diseases, time NOT spent in hospitals.

"Catch The Rain - Jal Shakti Abhiyaan" - now being implemented in 714 districts of the country. 7+
About 17,000+ villages were identified which had arsenic, flouride in its waters. Of these, 16500+ villages have now been piped with potable drinking water via Nal-se-Jal or a community water treatment plant has been set up!!

Talking of Nal-se-Jal here is the dashboard as of today. 24% houses of the entire country get drinking water via pipe. 9+
On water table management.. India has about 6600 blocks.. 1100 critically exploited. These blocks are taken at a highest priority and people are being educated on how to conserve water. And steps for improving water table across India is being done. 10+
There were 99 irrigation projects which were pending as of May 2014. Today about 80+ of these projects have been either completed or very close to be completed.

The goal of Jal Shakti Ministry mission is to increase water table, treat grey water before putting back in rivers, provide clean drinking water to every house in India, take care of solid and liquid waste management, augument farmer income via gobardhan.. 12+
in essense... make our villages truly Swacch & great to live in. 13+
All of this info and more can be found at:

as @reddy2002_varun says governing is a boring job. cleaning gutter water is boring.

Jai Hind.


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और उन्होनें ब्रह्मविद्या का ज्ञान अश्विनि कुमारों को दे दिया। गुप्तचरों के माध्यम से जब खबर इन्द्रदेव तक पहुंची तो वे क्रोध में खड़ग ले कर गए और महर्षि दधीचि का सर धड़ से अलग कर दिया।मगर अश्विनी कुमार भी कहां चुप बैठने वाले थे।उन्होने तुरंत एक अश्व का सिर महर्षि के धड़ पे...

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वे सोचने लगे कि हम तीनों लोकों के स्वामी हैं। ब्राह्मण हमें यज्ञ में आहुति देते हैं और हमारी उपासना करते हैं। फिर हम सामान्य ब्राह्मण बृहस्पति से क्यों डरते हैं ?उनके आने पर क्यों खड़े हो जाते हैं?वे तो हमारी जीविका से पलते हैं। देवर्षि बृहस्पति देवताओं के गुरु थे।

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