If you want to be more productive than 96% of people (I’m not joking), use this 30-minute morning routine:

Are you in a daily battle to get out of bed and function in the mornings?

Good news—you don’t need to wake up at 5am to win the morning.

Follow this routine and an extra 30 minutes is all you need to prepare yourself for a successful day.
Get ready the night before (0 min)

The best morning routines start the night before;

• Prep your lunch
• Get your workout clothes ready
• Pack your work bag

Do anything that’ll make your morning easier.
Avoid your phone (0 min)

71% of Americans check their phone within 10 minutes of waking up.

Leave your phone on DND or in a drawer—give yourself at least 30 minutes of clear air to start the day.

You'll be more relaxed, and your notifications won’t go anywhere.
Make your bed (2 min)

Keep your space tidy and start your day with an easy win.

It sounds simple, but a made bed gives you momentum to help you deal with whatever challenges the day throws at you.
Breathwork (2 min)

Try the 4-7-8 breathing method.

It's easier than meditation, and It’ll help you relax and reduce stress.

Aim to do it 2-4 times a day—before bed is also a good time (many people who use the 4-7-8 method fall asleep in under a minute)

Drink water (1 min)

Up to 60% of your body is water—staying hydrated is vital.

Drink a glass or two of water first thing in the morning to replace fluids you’ve lost overnight.

Drinking water will also make you more alert and energise you for the morning.
Exercise (12 min)

You don’t need to do an intense workout first thing to feel the benefits of exercise in the morning.

Get out for a short walk, or do a core/pilates workout to get your blood flowing.

10 minutes is enough to put you in a good state of mind for the whole day.
Gratitude (2 min)

Write down one or two things you’re grateful for each morning.

Gratitude promotes improved self-esteem, will make you happier and helps you create an abundance mindset.
Prioritise important tasks (6 min)

Make a list of your top priorities for the day and block out time to work on them.

Don’t try to schedule every minute of your day.

Things come up, and you’ll fall behind—focus on your output, not the time you input.
Free time (5 min)

Use this unscheduled time to generate ideas and fuel your mind.

Let your mind wander for a few minutes, read a book or start dumping your thoughts onto a piece of paper.

Try to keep it as unstructured as possible—let ideas flow naturally.
Give yourself time (0 min)

Get up 30 min early so you have time to follow the whole routine.

Then, go on with your normal day (eat breakfast, shower, get the kids ready, etc.).

Don't get to work stressed because you're late, you'll lose the momentum your morning routine built.
30 min morning routine;

Get ready the night before (0 min)
Avoid your phone (0 min)
Make your bed (2 min)
Breathwork (2 min)
Drink water (1 min)
Exercise (12 min)
Gratitude (2 min)
Prioritise important tasks (6 min)
Free time (5 min)
Give yourself time (0 min)

Total = 30 mins
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