I agree actually, and not just a little, I agree wholly. Gen Mac is right, and will be proved right, as you say in the future, if we don't take these 10 steps. That said: The likelihood of those 10 steps happening is near zero. That may be devastatingly sad, but if they were..

going to happen, we wouldn't be having the discussion this late in the game. As much as I love Trump, I just don't think he's powerful enough to take these steps. The presidency isn't what it used to be. I also worry about his age. I'm sorry but I'm just being honest...
Don't get me wrong, he's still 100% with it upstairs, but age tends to blunt boldness, and it tends to take a toll on our ability to hold a thousand competing thoughts in our head all at once. I'm just saying if we had a 55 or 60 year old Trump right now, we'd be fighting like..
you suggest, and Gen Mac suggests we should be. So again, what do we do with a more realistic set of options given success requires the 10 steps. Do we just fail? No, not at all. We work with what we have. Perhaps we get a state to flip, perhaps a court ruling in our favor...
Perhaps a surprise on Jan 6th where some congress men and senators show courage for once. Perhaps a combination of these things. Point is, we don't need to win clean, we just need to win, and we don't need total victory, just enough to keep our @POTUS in office for 4 more...
years, and then... We can start fixing what happened. And it is TREASON, I agree it isn't fraud. But selling that to the population will take more than a couple of weeks. And don't forget this most important point of all. And it will be hard for you because you have...
admitted that you don't necessarily believe, but if you look at Biblical history you will notice something peculiar. God always manifests his power in human weakness. It's when all hope by any reasonable human effort is lost that he does his most amazing work. I believe God...
will in the 11th hour deliver this victory to
@realDonaldTrump and to us American patriots. It will be clearly against all the odds, and believers will count it a miracle. Non-believers will count it a most unusual stroke of luck. But smarter non-believers will believe ;)
@threadreaderapp unroll

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I’m torn on how to approach the idea of luck. I’m the first to admit that I am one of the luckiest people on the planet. To be born into a prosperous American family in 1960 with smart parents is to start life on third base. The odds against my very existence are astronomical.

I’ve always felt that the luckiest people I know had a talent for recognizing circumstances, not of their own making, that were conducive to a favorable outcome and their ability to quickly take advantage of them.

In other words, dumb luck was just that, it required no awareness on the person’s part, whereas “smart” luck involved awareness followed by action before the circumstances changed.

So, was I “lucky” to be born when I was—nothing I had any control over—and that I came of age just as huge databases and computers were advancing to the point where I could use those tools to write “What Works on Wall Street?” Absolutely.

Was I lucky to start my stock market investments near the peak of interest rates which allowed me to spend the majority of my adult life in a falling rate environment? Yup.