5 Ways To Develop Discipline And Use It To Crush Your Goals.

Motivation will not make you successful.

Discipline will.

Look at the lives of truly successful people and you'll see this is true. (Thread)

Many people misunderstand what motivation means.

They think motivation is a 'positive feeling' that helps you do things.

When they feel this certain kind of way, they take action.

But when they don't feel this 'positive feeling' they resign.

That isn't motivation.
Motivation is a combination of two words:

Motive + Action.

Motivation is the motive behind the action.

It is the reason for the action.

The why!

For example, why do you want to start a business?

So you can have freedom, yeah?

That is the motivation.
It is that 'why' that should provide you the determination to take action.

But even with a strong 'why' many people still struggle with staying dedicated to their goals.


They lack discipline.

Today I'll share 5 ways you can develop godlike discipline to crush your goals.
Discipline from the the word 'disciple' means 'to train.'

When you decide to discipline yourself what you are saying is that you want to

'Train yourself to become a disciple to certain principles and ways of life.'

Here are the 5 ways to Get It Done:
1. Master the art of delayed gratification.

I think this point is better said this way:

'Shun instant gratification.'

We are naturally wired for instant results.

You rake alcohol, you want to instantly feel high.

Post on social media, expect the likes & shares to be instant
Start a business and desire to make money on day 1.

Meet a lady today and want her to like you enough to go to bed with you instantly.

Start learning a skill and want to be baddass on day 1.

You need to train yourself to be numb to instant results.
That way, when you stay consistent and committed to your goal even if results have not started coming.
2. Practice Long Term Thinking.

We overestimate what we can achieve in one month and underestimate what we can do in one year.

Understand that every achievement is a process, and processes take time.

Thinking this way will help you 'train' yourself to stay consistent.
3. Get used to doing 'boring work'

Success come from doing the boring work.

Yes, they say 'pursue your passion and you'll always be excited and enthusiastic. "

That is half the truth.
While your passion will make you happy, making money out of it will require work.

Sometimes boring work.

It is boring to sit and study (alone).

It is boring to sit and take a course (alone).

It is boring to sit and practice that skill you are learning.
It is boring to sit and write salesletters.

It is boring to sit in meetings discussing visions and plans.

These things are boring.

And that is why we run from them.
You are not lazy, your mind has gotten used to feeling 'good and high' that these boring 'activities' don't inspire you.

So you have to get used to doing the boring work.
4. Practice Resistance.

Learn to say NO to things that prevent you from being productive.

Sometimes these are things you like.

For instance, you decide to read or study for an hour, but every 10 minutes you check Twitter.

You just can't resist the notifications.

Stop it.
5. Get used to Uncomfortable Change.

I even feel like this is repetition.

Change is always uncomfortable.

You have to get used to it.

Your goals, especially business goals, will choose everything from:

- your friends to where you go and what you do.
Self discipline will make some persons dislike you.

They'll think you are not nice or flexible...

They'll think you are in over your head.

But you have to stick to your plan.

If you set time for something, stick to it relentlessly.

I hope these 5 help you.

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