Proud Boys leader arrested for allegedly burning Black Lives Matter banner at DC church

According to DC Metro Police PIO Officer Sean Hickman:
In the past, Proud Boys have been enthusiastically supportive of the police in cities where they rallied and engaged in street violence.

In recent weeks, that has changed.
This was entirely predictable, and it's been frustrating that police have been so slow to realize that these extremists are not their friends.
Earlier this week in Oregon.

Police clash with Trump-supporting Proud Boys in Salem, Oregon, arrests made
With the recent arrest of the group's leader, clashes between the Proud Boys and the police could turn violent on Wednesday. Add Antifa and BLM to the mix, and it's anybody's bet what form the RW/LW/PD dynamic will take.
Add in the National Guard and whatever federal agency LEOs are sent in, and...

My head hurts.
When you see the Proud Boys doing their street thug march on Wednesday, just try to forget that they were named after this song. It's why you'll see POYB patches.

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