American Law enforcement and military appears to be fully compromised at this time. At the rate things are developing, there may not be a peaceful transition of power on the 20th. Underestimating the threat we are facing will have dire consequences. #RemoveTheTraitors

Trump may already be a military dictator, we just haven't realized it yet, because we have not seen anything like this unfold on American soil, & we think things like this can't happen here, and happens only overseas. That is exact what they want us to believe. #RemoveTheTraitors
I remain unconvinced at this time about the loyalty of some of the troops already deployed at the Capitol and being national guard being mobilized at state capitols even. I remain concerns for the safety of Democratic lawmakers at DC and elected officials at all 50 states.
Meanwhile Trump supporters are playing dumb or sounding ridiculous in the narratives, I suspect intentionally because it makes it easier for the public dismiss the actual threat faced because the public believes they are incompetent and fools. #RemoveTheTraitors
I think at this time, that is what they want us to believe. It gives then a cover, & can carry on with their nefarious plans. The longer it goes without putting a stop to this, the harder it will be for the American people to stop what they are planning to do. #RemoveTheTraitors
If Trump and his allies are successfully able to over throw the constitution in a military-style coup with the help of armed militia, we must understand that this is going to have lasting ripple effects all over the world and has potential to trigger a war. #RemoveTheTraitors
What we are talking about here is the largest military arsenal in the world going rogue in unpredictable ways. The entire global over it at threat. America has military bases all over the world, and we are this makes America a clear and present danger to everyone else.
This must not be allowed to happen. This must never be allowed to happen. Cooler and calmer heads must prevail and figure out how to put a stop to this! None of this ok. The enemy is at the gates, and it's come from within. #RemoveThemAll

More from Law

We need to talk about the 'expert' witness statement evidence led by Ms Bell in her successful case before the Tavistock. THREAD

You can see who gave evidence in her support from these extracts from the Tavistock's Skeleton Argument.

Helpful for you to bear in mind that her solicitor was a man called Paul Conrathe, who has a long association with the religious right in the US (I have talked about him a number of times but this is as good a starting point as any).

I am not going to address here other criticisms that might be made of the form in which that evidence was given or the timing of its service before the court. I am just going to address, in alphabetical order, the individuals whose evidence Mr Conrathe led on Ms Bell's behalf.

The first witness, alphabetically, was Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Oxford, Michael Biggs.

Mr Biggs was exposed for posting transphobic statements online under a fake twitter handle: @MrHenryWimbush according to this report.

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