1. Learn a new language

Learning a new language boosts grey matter in your brain, which helps control movement, memory & emotions.

It also boosts white matter, which assists brain connectivity & communication between different brain regions.

Time to dust off your Duo Lingo.
2. Cardiovascular exercise

Moderate to intense cardio exercise can improve your learning & memory.

It also promotes blood flow & cell growth in the brain, which can help decision making as well as prevent depression.

Aim for 2-3x a week of moderate to intense cardio.
3. Solving a puzzle

Puzzles can improve cognition & visual-spatial reasoning.

They improve mental speed, reinforce connections between brain cells & can improve short term memory.

There's a reason you see old people doing crosswords.
4. Eat nutrient dense foods

The foods you eat affect your mood, energy & ability to think.

Nutrients such as such as vitamin B12, folate & zinc improve mood, energy, prevent cognitive decline as well as mental health issues.

If you want a better brain start with your diet.
5. Have a purpose

Humans are meaning making machines. We need reasons to live in order to keep ourselves healthy.

Studies show that having a purpose prevents mental decline as well as cognitive disease.

Remember that it's not about finding a purpose. It's about creating one.
6. Have a good group of friends

Being part of a community is a net positive for mental health & your emotions.

Having a sense of belonging & social connectedness adds extra meaning and purpose to our every day lives.

We are tribal in nature. Find a tribe that fits your values.
7. Create art

Creating art can help you see the world in new ways.

You can use it as a way to express emotions, share your experiences & get a deeper insight into your struggles.

Art can be anything. It can be a painting, writing, making music or even creating a business.
8. Get your sleep fixed

Quality sleep helps you form new pathways in the brain, which helps you with learning & memory.

It also affects how your neurons communicate & protects your brain from neurological disease.

There's a reason you feel awesome after a good nights sleep.
Your brain is the most important organ in your body. You either use it or you lose it.

As you age use these tips to keep it young.

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