1. A thread about states being given freedom to purchase 50% of the vaccines of their choice and the brouhaha around differential pricing for Central and State governments.

There are 4 different issues enmeshed here:
1. Freedom for states to select & distribute vaccines of their choice
2. Differential pricing for Center & States
3. Demands by states for center to pay for their 50% share as well
4. Freedom for private hospitals to procure vaccines
Firstly, on the choice to states:

Various states & opposition parties complained about total control of vaccine procurement & distribution by Modi led central govt.

Politically motivated accusations of partiality & preferential (non)allocations to states were made.

There were also arguments about why should the "rich" be NOT allowed/made to pay for their vaccines.

To address these demands, the Modi led Central govt provided freedom for states & private healthcare facilities in states to purchase 50% of the vaccine produced directly from manufacturers

And the freedom to decide user charges for such vaccines {free/at cost/more than cost}
Also, some states & their leaders didnt "trust" India designed/invented & manufactured Covaxin

They accused Modi of approving Covaxin even before the trials were complete to benefit the ruling party/Modi politically

This move gives those states an option to NOT buy Covaxin
Secondly, the issue of differential pricing by Serum Institute for CoviShield vaccine to Center vs. States vs. Private hospitals.
Bharat Biotech has not yet come out with its pricing for Covaxin.

Many opposition led states & their leaders - for ex: Telangana/@KTRTRS made accusations that CoviShield was provided to Center/Modi for ₹150/- while it was offered for ₹400/- to them. They feigned outrage at this alleged discrimination

Here are the facts:
1. From May 1st when states are allowed to purchase vaccines, Serum Institute has clarified that it will charge ₹400/- per dose of CoviShield, to both Center & States.

2. Serum said, private buyers will be charged $600/- per dose for CoviShield.

So obviously the opposition leaders were peddling fake news & playing political games about the differential pricing to Modi/Center & them/States.

But, where did the ₹150/- per dose come from?

That was the price (₹150/-) charged by Serum for the first 100 million or so doses the Center had purchased for
1. Healthcare professionals
2. Frontline workers
3. Most vulnerable segments of people (45+ with comorbidities)

Serum charged less than its cost price
Serum wanted to do it's bit for our frontline workers & most vulnerable sections of our citizens. So it provided those doses at a subsidy to the Center.

This charity of Serum is now used against the same company to accuse it of some underhand agreement to favour Modi.

"No good deed goes unpunished" - Serum should be feeling right now, looking at the disgusting behaviour of these petty minded opposition politicians.
Such disgusting behaviour during even a pandemic is not beneath these 'opposition leaders'. Their hatred for Modi is such.

What these petty, selfish & greedy politicians cant imagine is:
Private persons/companies spending their own money to help India & Indians overcome this crisis.

Ex: TATA, Ambani, etc., are providing free Oxygen.
& Serum, by subsiding shots for our frontline & vulnerable.

Of course, there IS differential pricing by Serum.
It's between
Govt - center/states @ ₹400/shot
Private institutions @ 600/shot

The "rich", who "prefer" private hospitals - inspite of free/cheaper shot at govt facilities can, and should pay a higher price. No?

Thirdly, the demand that Center should pay for the state's choice of 50% vaccine as well.
1. Center is already paying & giving for free, shots needed for frontline workers, soldiers & the most vulnerable (45+ with comorbidities) ~20cr doses/10cr citizens by May 1st.

2. Center will provide 50% of shots at its own cost to states going forward
3. Currently, vaccine is only for 18+ i.e a total of 100 crore max
4. Of which Center already covered 10 crore (by May 1st)
5. Of the remaining 90 crore, center will cover 50% free i.e 45 crore more

6. This leaves 45 crores to be covered by States & Private sector.
That is 45/135 crores total population = 33%.
7. If private facilities at a higher price are preferred by 1/5th of these 33%, then a state has to provide for say 27% of its total population.

Just above 1/4th.
For ex: Telangana's total population as of 2021 is estimated at ~4 crore.
Of which, Telangana govt has to take care of 27% i.e 1.08cr people i.e 2.16 cr doses at a cost of ₹864cr.

While the Center will pay for 55% of those eligible (41% of total population) i.e ~1.6cr
Of which
33% i.e 1.32cr @ ₹400/dose at ₹1056cr for 2 doses.
7% i.e 28Lakhs @ ₹150/dose at 84cr

Total Cost:
Telangana Govt: ₹864cr
Central Govt: ₹1140cr

Which works out to a state's share of total government expenditure (center+state) of ~43%

Which is almost the same as the states' share of taxes collected by the Center 42% (grants & expenditure on central schemes/works in states excluded, else it is much higher %)

Think this is unfair?

Why this cribbing by opposition ruled states?
It's time for our opposition to stop playing petty political games & start handling life & death issues faced by almost everyone in the country/state.

Fourthly - Private Hospitals:

It provides a choice for those who are willing to pay a higher price for what they consider to be superior service & convenience provided by Private Hospitals (sector).

Ex: KCR preferring a private hospital for his Covid tests/treatment.


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Recently, the @CNIL issued a decision regarding the GDPR compliance of an unknown French adtech company named "Vectaury". It may seem like small fry, but the decision has potential wide-ranging impacts for Google, the IAB framework, and today's adtech. It's thread time! 👇

It's all in French, but if you're up for it you can read:
• Their blog post (lacks the most interesting details):
• Their high-level legal decision: https://t.co/hwpiEvjodt
• The full notification: https://t.co/QQB7rfynha

I've read it so you needn't!

Vectaury was collecting geolocation data in order to create profiles (eg. people who often go to this or that type of shop) so as to power ad targeting. They operate through embedded SDKs and ad bidding, making them invisible to users.

The @CNIL notes that profiling based off of geolocation presents particular risks since it reveals people's movements and habits. As risky, the processing requires consent — this will be the heart of their assessment.

Interesting point: they justify the decision in part because of how many people COULD be targeted in this way (rather than how many have — though they note that too). Because it's on a phone, and many have phones, it is considered large-scale processing no matter what.
(1) Kushner is worth $324 million.
(2) Since 2016, Kushner has connived, with Saudi help, to force the Qataris (literally at a ship's gunpoint) to "loan" him $900 million.
(3) This is consistent with the Steele dossier.
(4) Kushner is unlikely to ever have to pay the "loan" back.

2/ So as you read about his tax practices, you should take from it that it's practices of this sort that ensure that he's able to extort money from foreign governments while Trump is POTUS without ever having to pay the money back. It also explains why he's in the Saudis' pocket.

3/ It's why the Saudis *say* he's in their pocket. It's why emoluments and federal bribery statutes matter. It's why Kushner was talking to the Saudi Crown Prince the day before the murdered Washington Post journalist was taken. It's why the Trump administration now does nothing.
हिमालय पर्वत की एक बड़ी पवित्र गुफा थी।उस गुफा के निकट ही गंगा जी बहती थी।एक बार देवर्षि नारद विचरण करते हुए वहां आ पहुंचे।वह परम पवित्र गुफा नारद जी को अत्यंत सुहावनी लगी।वहां का मनोरम प्राकृतिक दृश्य,पर्वत,नदी और वन देख उनके हृदय में श्रीहरि विष्णु की भक्ति अत्यंत बलवती हो उठी।

और देवर्षि नारद वहीं बैठकर तपस्या में लीन हो गए।इन्द्र नारद की तपस्या से घबरा गए।उन्हें हमेशा की तरह अपना सिंहासन व स्वर्ग खोने का डर सताने लगा।इसलिए इन्द्र ने नारद की तपस्या भंग करने के लिए कामदेव को उनके पास भेज दिया।वहां पहुंच कामदेव ने अपनी माया से वसंतऋतु को उत्पन्न कर दिया।

पेड़ और पौधों पर रंग बिरंगे फूल खिल गए और कोयलें कूकने लगी,पक्षी चहकने लगे।शीतल,मंद,सुगंधित और सुहावनी हवा चलने लगी।रंभा आदि अप्सराएं नाचने लगीं ।किन्तु कामदेव की किसी भी माया का नारद पे कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा।तब कामदेव को डर सताने लगा कि कहीं नारद क्रोध में आकर मुझे श्राप न देदें।

जैसे ही नारद ने अपनी आंखें खोली, उसी क्षण कामदेव ने उनसे क्षमा मांगी।नारद मुनि को तनिक भी क्रोध नहीं आया और उन्होने शीघ्र ही कामदेव को क्षमा कर दिया।कामदेव प्रसन्न होकर वहां से चले गए।कामदेव के चले जाने पर देवर्षि के मन में अहंकार आ गया कि मैने कामदेव को हरा दिया।

नारद फिर कैलाश जा पहुंचे और शिवजी को अपनी विजयगाथा सुनाई।शिव समझ गए कि नारद अहंकारी हो गए हैं और अगर ये बात विष्णु जी जान गए तो नारद के लिए अच्छा नहीं होगा।ये सोचकर शिवजी ने नारद को भगवन विष्णु को ये बात बताने के लीए मना किया। परंतु नारद जी को ये बात उचित नहीं लगी।