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Yesterday at an event attended by 350 people including former @UKLabour MP @DerbyChrisW, @BristolUni Prof David Miller, @STWuk Steering committee & occasional @guardian commenter Sami Ramadani spoke about Jews as a global Zionist conspiracy.

Prof David Miller of @BristolUni lashes out against @UJS_PRES and Bristol Jewish Society, points out @UJS_UK & JSOC are "formally members of the Zionist movement..."

"Its fundamental to Zionism to encourage islamophobia and anti Arab racism too."

We pointed out other comments he made during his 10 minute rant yesterday

Former @UKLabour MP Chris Williamson:

"The problem we have is that the political class has been captured in this country on both sides of the chamber in the house of commons all political parties have been captured by the Zionist lobby and corporate capitalism..."

Adoption of @TheIHRA was when "the witch hunt was stepped up inside the Labour Party" blames "useful idiots" Owen Jones and @guardian who "helped to facilitate the enemies of a socialist domestic agenda at home and an anti imperialist foreign policy at home"
On Wednesday, December 2nd, two months after the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo II Accord, which was supposed to result in Israelā€™s withdrawal from the West Bank by May 1999...

we launched a new, interactive map ( showing the places and ways in which Israel and settlers violate the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority in the territories that were transferred to its control.

The violations of Palestinian sovereignty by settlers, with the support of the army, can be divided into four main categories:

1- Preventing access to agricultural land and open fields used for grazing
2- Taking over agricultural land
3- Constructing buildings and roads
4- Holding settler tours in sites located in area A or B

The map features 22 different sites that settlers visit periodically. These visits usually involve closing off the areas that the settlers are visiting, as well as severe traffic restrictions imposed on Palestinians by the army, which accompanies the settlers on their visit.