Authors Naboth's Vineyard

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On Wednesday, December 2nd, two months after the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo II Accord, which was supposed to result in Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank by May 1999...

we launched a new, interactive map ( showing the places and ways in which Israel and settlers violate the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority in the territories that were transferred to its control.

The violations of Palestinian sovereignty by settlers, with the support of the army, can be divided into four main categories:

1- Preventing access to agricultural land and open fields used for grazing
2- Taking over agricultural land
3- Constructing buildings and roads
4- Holding settler tours in sites located in area A or B

The map features 22 different sites that settlers visit periodically. These visits usually involve closing off the areas that the settlers are visiting, as well as severe traffic restrictions imposed on Palestinians by the army, which accompanies the settlers on their visit.