I never wanted to write a Prof thread here since I wanted this to be break.
But some comments regarding Dentistry is pushing me to be writing this, making me do what I have been trying to explain to people for a long time.

Oral health has been the least concern of people in India. A Dentist is only sought after in case of emergency or when a certificate is needed. Making it a 2nd tier speciality.
However it can't be further from the truth.
This is about Dentistry & it's relation to Gen health
Since someone commented teeth can't stop heart!
Well! It can
Sub acute endocarditis
Species of Streptococci that live on the teeth, gums& related structures, get mobilized into blood stream when the load of infection increases
If a patient has a valve defect or
Previous surgery, these bacteria colonize & cause blockage that is slow & fatal.
Also untreated dental infection can cause the failure of any Cardiac procedure performed.
Hence it's advised to get teeth treated before a cardiac surgery.

Teeth have lymph drainage
Into a Sinus called Cavernous sinus. That's also connected to brain.
Untreated dental infection can lead to abscess in brain, causing epilepsy like seizures & de@th if not treated.
Seen a 6 yr old boy losing life bcoz of it since Doctor could not trace the source of infection
E. Coli most common pathogen in kidney failure is a resident of Gum, periodontal abcess.
Usually when bacterial load increases, the mobilization of bacteria in blood targets the most vulnerable organ in body
So for a Diabetic patient it would kidney or bladder,can stop
Functioning of organ

Ear has a tube connecting it to side of the tooth in upper jaw.
It's called Eustachian tube
If a child is left after feeding, without cleaning the mouth for residual milk or untreated dental infection in that area, causes Ear infection.
At times
Partial loss of hearing

I forgot earlier untreated Dental infection increases risk of Diabetes with age, & viceversa

Pregnancy :
Now this aspect is most important.
Hormonal changes in pregnancy also control the health of gums.
So similarly, infection in gums can cause
Irregular hormones for pregnancy.
It can lead to low birth weight of the baby or even miscarriage. Difficulty in conception also results with prolonged Infection of gums.

Mother also transfers her anti body to baby through placenta & milk.
Bacterial load between mom & child
Are also similar to the level of sane gene coding
Hence mother with more dental problems have children with high caries risk.

Back ache:
Improper filling, crown or bite leads to improper posturing of the next.
That with age gets shifted to lower back.
Many people keep
Getting physiotherapy done with no use as its bcoz of the jaw.

Similarly there is something called
Myofunctional pain Dysfunction Syndrome

It too mimics Migraine
The reason is same, faulty occlusion.

I can go on & on.
But I want this to be shared hence shortening
Lastly expertise of ur Dentist:
A faulty RCT or extraction or a broken file in ur tooth can cause any of the problems above, or some more.
It can even be fatal like air embolism caused due to wrong irrigants

Hence plz dont take Oral health lightly.
It's more important
In case of children, Pregnant women and Patient with special healthcare needs.
Always consult the specialist with proper Sterilization protocols as Dental operatory can transfer HIV, to Hepatitis to Corona
Plz share with ur friends and family 🙏


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