*****Read these letters again carefully******
I'm going to leave out the Great Plan the Great Reset out of this today. If I cant reach you any other way, I will try to reach you on a spiritual level we are truly in the midst of a spiritual war.
Letter Oct 25th, 2020

Letter June 7, 2020
Thoughts and interpretations... The Plan, I said before Trust the Plan, because WE ARE THE PLAN. Our collective work, our collective consciousness. Why our thoughts, our freedom of speech, our free will, is so important.
Like the bible. Everyone interprets the bible differently. The bible itself has been mistranslated, changed, and rewritten in a cryptic almost coded fashion. But how we interpret and understand something also has to do with our consciousness.
Revaluations...The very word...
Revelation= The act of revealing or disclosing. Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized.
Luke 8:17= "For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."

Luke 12.2= "For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known."
Genesis 1:27= "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." ...
I Trust the Plan, because I believe
We are the Plan...God's Plan...
I believe thought becomes reality, we are all creators made in God's image. I think if the collective consciousness awakens to everything & believes in a better world we will create one... i think that is why there is such an effort in control us the collective.
Quantum Physics, the Observer Effect... The observer effect is the theory that the mere observation of a phenomenon inevitably changes that phenomenon.
Matthew 6:22 KJV
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore THINE eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”
Thine= to indicate the one or ones belonging to thee. Your 3rd eye. The minds eye.
Words are important, translations are important, the etymology is important.
Strongs Greek Matthew 6:22 ὁ ὀφθαλμός ἐστιν Ὁ λύχνος τοῦ σώματός ἐὰν σου ᾖ ἁπλοῦς σου ὅλον σῶμά ἔσται φωτεινὸν.

ὀφθαλμός: The eye; fig: (THE MIND'S EYE) From optanomai...
Language, religion, politics...everything has been corrupted, manipultated, used a tool to divide us. But if you look past any difference what is the core? Is it good or bad. Do you love or fear in your heart? Why do people pwr want to push us in a state or fear and divide us?
I'll continue in morning
Like I said I believe thought becomes reality, we are all creators made in God's image.

Quantum Physics, the Observer Effect...

I think the people in pwr know this to be true.

See cia file➡️
Multiple forms psychological warfare are being used. Some of the others are just so far away, so far gone, empty, zombies, i cant communicate w/ them at all disconnected. They are full of toxins, negative energy, fear & hate. They lost their light.
Children if Darkness.
Matthew 6:22 ESV “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light...
They have to be ready to open their hearts and minds to that light. They have to cleanse themselves of that negativity that poisons them...
But dont give up on them love is stronger than fear. We need to be a beacon of light to, offer help and guidance to others, be strong keep in sync with your own soul and with the universe as a whole, rebuke fear and doubt, be a flashlight for others in that darkness.
We started a mass awakening the very technology used to surveil us the divergents, empaths, starseeds whatever people want to call us. The technology Facebook aka DARPA lifelog, social media it backfired. That is why we are being censored, ghost banned, reply deboosted.
This is why we're in chaos bad people in power that have control would rather watch the world burn, then loose pwr, so they spread fear & panic any tactic they can to further divide us. Try to talk to people in person smile, say hello. WE ARE THE PLAN.
Matthew 5:5

"Blessed are the MEEK, For they shall inherit the earth."

Meek= Showing patience and humility; gentle.

Translations and etymology is important...
Meek= πραεῖς difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than meek.
Biblical meekness is strength to exercising God's strength under control – demonstrating power w/out undue harshness. The English "meek" lacks blend of gentleness (reserve) & strength.
John 3:18 KJV
“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in DEED and TRUTH.”

Men like @ScottPresler have shown us that with love, through our deeds, our actions, we can break spells, and barriers. Be a bridge between the divide.
Read the letters again
June 7th letter
The bad people trying to hold on to power control are failing. They believe the same order through chaos, divide & conquer tactics will work. This is a spiritual war, as well as an informational war. They forgot to factor in that part the spirit of us "Collective".
We are the plan.❤🇺🇸🥰 I love each and everyone of you. Now buckle up, stay strong. If you have questions on any other topics ask we are all here to try to help.
My other threads...
The world is changing, it is not going to be their "Great Reset", instead it is our Great Awakening. You have more power then u think, & you have free will. Make the choice to fight back. Be heard, u have a voice they cannot silence us all.

Video editing credit @cbask1n0
@cbask1n0 made this amazing video for me for my thread from the david lynch lecture
@threadreaderapp compile
Rt. @jonvoight

More from TXgrlWatching💻⚔🛡

There are motives behind this defund the police, people are not going be happy with. There is an active plan to federalize the police bring in UN peace keepers which is policed by nato. They corrupt politicians want to do away with Sheriffs not the police force.

This was set in to motion with UN strong cities network. Local police to be replaced by UN's peace keepers aka NATO troops and non-citizen mercenaries through the strong cities network UN to run local police boards U.S. cities.

I need you to understand what is at stake. It is America as we know it. The goal is to have the Constitution replaced, by the United Nations’ (UN) Bill of Human Rights.

Be careful what you wish for not everything is what it seems, these riots and looting will be used to justify their actions leading into the a globalist government having more control.

Pay attention to Bills being pushed by Congress. Pay attention to wording. Pay attention to stories of local Sheriffs threatening to deputize law abiding citizens.all these things are connected.
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Limited short-term data
NO long-term data avail. incl. potential impacts on fertility.

“The discovery & research phase is normally 2-to-5yrs, according to the Wellcome Trust. In total, a 💉 can take more than 10yrs to fully

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