Merry Christmas everyone! What better way to distract yourself these days than a long thread about the largely unnoticed establishment of a vast military production infrastructure in Myanmar!

While Myanmar has maintained some military production capabilities for along time, these have traditionally been rather limited. Only in the last two decades has this infrastructure been vastly expanded with the country now mustering at least 25 factories.
These facilities are surprisingly large and usually built in remote jungle areas of the country with on-site housing for workers. Maintained by the Directorate of Defence Industries, they are known by their Burmese acronym Ka Pa Sa and numbered.
Different sources were used for geolocation. A few sites have previously been discussed in the OSINT community. Some locations were mentioned in media reports involving land disputes, others were included in reports about Myanmar's national electricity grid.
This highly recommended article by Bertil Lintner also included several locations. So here we go...
Ka Pa Sa 1. 16.838736° 96.149553°
Ka Pa Sa 2. 19.928915° 95.009777°
Ka Pa Sa 3. 18.789831° 95.196294°
Ka Pa Sa 5. 18.530709° 94.992593°
Ka Pa Sa 6 and 16 should be located in this broader area 18.687068° 94.985989°
Ka Pa Sa 8. 19.659741° 95.265244°
Potentially, the location of Ka Pa Sa 9. 18.618588° 94.974167°
The vast Ka Pa Sa 10 complex. 19.955830° 94.955285°
Potentially, the location of Ka Pa Sa 11. 17.326922° 96.059000°
Ka Pa Sa 12. 19.332532° 95.090041°
Ka Pa Sa 13. 19.792797° 95.085368°
Ka Pa Sa 14. This site has been alleged to be a North Korean-built missile factory. 19.988155° 94.444311°
Ka Pa Sa 15. 19.382914° 95.426527°
Ka Pa Sa 17. 20.240501° 95.621074°
Ka Pa Sa 18.19.801689° 95.739490°
Ka Pa Sa 19. 19.070693° 95.639281°
Ka Pa Sa 20. 20.465197° 94.203017°
Ka Pa Sa 21, whose area stretches for almost 10km. 20.949352° 94.348304°
The vast Ka Pa Sa 22 facility. 21.199831° 94.544206°
Ka Pa Sa 23. 22.142037° 94.307229°
Ka Pa Sa 24. This facility has previously been discussed as a potential CW production site. 21.498840° 94.368768°
Ka Pa Sa 25. 20.879103° 94.201113°

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12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.

These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili

Share for the benefit of everyone.

Here are the setups from @Pathik_Trader Sir first.

1. Open Drive (Intraday Setup explained)

Bactesting results of Open Drive

2. Two Price Action setups to get good long side trade for intraday.

1. PDC Acts as Support
2. PDH Acts as

Example of PDC/PDH Setup given