Parents in cities, please pay attention to the reopening details from the Whitehouse.

Biden says "small classes". What we need to understand is how they plant to accomplish this.

Through "childcare programs in schools". We see this all over states w/ closed schools.

We need to grasp that the AFT, NEA, & local unions are systematically working to decouple education from childcare.

Their vision is your child sitting on a device all day, watched by a childcare worker, being "taught" from a Teacher working from home.
This isn't a paranoid conspiracy theory - it is already happening in the majority of districts across the US where schools are closed.

"Learning Hubs" open, supervised by childcare workers, sometimes in the same "unsafe" school building.
There is NO OTHER WAY to get "small classes" without Hybrid + wraparound childcare. Your child will spend 2-3 days per WEEK supervised by low wage workers and sitting on a laptop.

Here's Chicago.
Fairfax, VA
NYC is expanding our "Learning Bridges" program, which is the same - rationed and only available to 10% of the city's school children.
The notorious San Francisco, where their district is still balking at a Sept reopening and the city is suing the district.

"Learning Hubs" have been open the entire time, with no outbreaks.
This is the actual vision that many districts have in mind for your child, when they say "open schools".

And because parents are desperate for anything resembling normalcy, we accept the crumbs they offer.
It is important that our demands are specific - IN PERSON LEARNING TAUGHT BY A TEACHER. Not hybrid. Not "childcare programs inside schools". Not your child sitting on a laptop from 8-3 at the age of 6. None of these options are actual school. Our demand should be real school

More from Government

Caveat: This article is sourced from @Daily_Express !!!

"End of Sturgeon?"

Frankly, an appropriate response from @NicolaSturgeon might be to quote the infamous Mark Twain response to an erroneous 'obituary' known to all...

"The reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated."

More accurately, the media have quoted:

"Ms Sturgeon said she had a “real job to do” and was focused on guiding Scotland through the Covid-19 pandemic."

It's very reassuring to hear that @scotgov and @ScotGovFM have prioritised safeguarding lives and Scotland, above all else.

"I’ll leave others to play games or politics. I have got a real job to do and people can decide themselves whether I am doing it well or not, but I am absolutely 100 per cent focused on leading this country through a pandemic."

💯% 😀👍

Making her priorities crystal clear!

“That’s what I’ve done since this time last year and it’s what I’m going to continue to do for absolutely as long as necessary.”

And again, making it absolutely crystal clear!

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