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Gayatri mantra is a Sanskrit verse of a hymn in Rigveda (3.62.10).
Gayatri Mantra creates a resonance in the nerves which connected to several important parts of body.

when a person repeats the mantra certain pressure points on lips,tongue,vocal cord & palate got elevated to give excitement on extrasensory energy centers

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Gayatri devi is an incarnation of Devi Saraswati which have powers of Goddess Lakshmi & Shakti
The Four vedas (ancient texts) was given by her to creator (Lord Brahma).
Hence Gayatri was called as Veda-Mata (Mother of Vedas). Gayatri mantra remove all obstacles , dispel darkness and increase wisdom from one's path.
It is believed that Sage Vishwamitra arranged these hymn in his meditation. The words are arranged carefully which conveys meaning and creates specific powerful vibrations in the body through utterance.
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It was praised in popular ancient hindu texts such as Manusmแน›tiย and the Bhagavad Gita.

Gayatri Mantra was recited as part of daily rituals(Sandhyavandanam) in hinduism. It was introduced for every Brahmin in upanayam.
It is believed that reciting the mantra bestows intelligence & awareness, through the vehicle of the Sun,who is the source of the universe.
There are multiple citations describing this verses as manta of mother goddess,mantra of Sun Mantra which is a definition for sacred word OM
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Dr.Howard Steingeril,Who was an american scientist, collected Mantras, Hymns and invocation from all parts of the world and measured their strength in his Physiology Laboratory. Approx 1,10,000 sound waves/second were produced by Gayathri Mantra .
This was the highest count and was found to be the most powerful mantra in the world. Gayatri Mantra is claimed capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities though the combination of sound waves of a particular frequency.
The Hamburg university,Germany initiated research into the potency of the Gayathri Mantra both on the mental and physical plane of creation.

The power of brain was utilized only to 4% by humans. When practicing or listening Gayatri Mantra will excite trillions of neurons
in the brain and gradually expands intelligence. ย 

The Gayatri Mantra recited on a mass scale creates powerful sound waves which affect every human being like heat and cold waves in a subtle way, and the result is instantaneous.

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