I’m going to talk out loud for a sec. I have been listening to the Georgia hearing this morning. In recent weeks, I have felt a bit frustrated & even cynical at times about the repetitive claims that they have “massive proof of fraud” - but have yet to share it yet. 1/


Well, today they have had data experts talk through their analysis & findings in a much more detailed manner.

I am finally beginning to understand why they have yet shown the public the blatant proof they claim to have. 2/
I work in IT. I have spent hundreds of hours pouring over data sets, searching for discrepancies in order to validate mass data mappings & migrations. Sometimes I have to dig into a million records. 3/
If I don’t catch data issues so that we can fix them before pushing the code to our live environment, the impact is tremendous. We could overstate earnings, lose millions of $ in business, kill our pipeline, and/or place our company at legal risk. 4/
My boss leaves me alone for weeks at a time so that I can perform this analysis. I bounce data points off the source file & I then off of 50 or more other data points. I then translate my findings into language that developers can understand & act on. I have a point in this... 4/
Sometimes my boss will ask me for an update. I’ll tell him the files look relatively clean or sometimes I say they are an absolute mess. At times, he wants me to explain & when I try to do so at a high-level, it can be very difficult to follow. However, I KNOW what I’m seeing. 5/
You see, the only way for me to rightly explain the data issues or discrepancies, it requires me to walk through it with someone so they can follow the logic & understand my findings. This is rarely a quick conversation. 6/
It can be frustrating because although I provide my written analysis which basically speaks to the integrity of the data, it means nothing until Dev sits down & listens/watches me walk through how I came to my conclusions so they can trace it back & fix the mappings. 7/
So, no matter how many times I say that the data is a wreck, it means nothing & is maybe even questioned until they put in the time to understand the analysis. Once they do, it is abundantly clear. 8/
The problem is, this takes EFFORT & DEDICATION which is something the mainstream media will not invest.

As a result, the data analysts sound crazy, or as though their findings are baseless, or that they are exaggerating. 9/
For the 1st time, I listened to the data scientists walk through some of their findings. They may sound like ridiculous nerds babbling on about numbers or statistical behavior, but the reason you hear confidence in their voices is because they have spent hours with the data. 10/
This is difficult because few will actually pay attention. I don’t really have confidence that the courts will *really* listen. However, you guys - the findings are without question very, very concerning. 11/
I don’t have much confidence that people will pay attention. I mean, I can see how it looks from the outside but I finally understand where they are coming from. I finally understand why we haven’t seen “proof”. This kind of proof isn’t easy to toss in front of the public. 12/
However, most court cases deal with evidence that may or may not be circumstantial. This evidence is fact. It’s hard numbers & data statistics which can be proven & anyone can perform the same analysis & balance with their exact numbers. 14/
I just hope that the courts actually listen to them. The media will remain lazy & they may never care to understand this & that’s the worst part. It’s going to take a small miracle for people to be convinced. Pray that the facts will be heard 🙏🏼 THIS IS REAL. /End
Also, I know my tweet numbering is messed up 😜. Sorry but whatevs 🤷🏻‍♀️

More from Fraud

A thread on attempted election fraud in Canada: First, most breaches of election law here are related to financing, not illegal voting or ballot-box stuffing. And most are minor. That’s because our elxn finance laws are extremely tight and contribution/spending limits low. 1/

I covered two of the best-known cases in recent years: “robocalls” in 2011 election and the “in-and-out” affair of 2006. You probably heard a lot about the former and maybe nothing of the latter. Both were important for different reasons. 2/

In robocalls, the Conservative party’s voter-tracking database, CIMS, was used to make fraudulent automated calls to about 7,000 identified Liberal voters in Guelph, Ontario, directing them to the wrong polling location. The scheme didn’t work. The Liberals won the riding. 3/

Elections Canada caught on to the scheme on the day the calls were made, election day, and began investigating almost immediately. The long and complex investigation found the calls originated with someone working for the Conservative candidate in Guelph. 4/

After a trial, a lone campaign staffer was found guilty. He served jail time. The judge said it appeared to him others were likely involved but no one else was charged. Throughout, the CPC denied any knowledge of the scheme. 5/

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