It is what me make it. Last November … sh$t … all throughout 2020 … WE THE PEOPLE demanded our voice be heard and our will respected. When our legislators stop working for us their concept of civil service must be corrected. Democracy requires participation.

This is a unique inflection point. For decades we have allowed ourselves to fall into a pattern of governance where one party advances our nation with a focus on equitably caring for our nation’s people and an eye global stewardship.
After 8 years, the people get seduced (their natural discontent eventually being harnessed and weaponized politically in order to flip the center). This is understandable and works both ways. As with COVID, the work done over those 8 years has lagging indicators.
The first half of that time in power is spent course correcting the corporate policies inacted by the previous administration. The second half is spent future building. That future arrives after the eight years are up. This further muddies the water.
The connection between good governance and the people’s happiness and prosperity is muted and difficult to point out for anyone not flooding themselves with the world of politics.
Of course bad governance sticks out like a sore thumb and requires a hell of a good sales pitch (or some perspective shifting event) to hold onto power. So why is this transition different? Why am I calling it an inflection point?
This cycle saw one party flat out refuse to court the people with policy or provide any form of feasible pitch. This cycle saw one party attempt to exploit the bifurcation of our information ecosystem into dualing realities by flooding that system with propaganda.
Never in our history have our politicians so deliberately lied to the American people in a desperate attempt to cling to power. The demography of the people that form our great nation have the old white regime terrified that they will lose their power for the last time.
We have been a minority rule nation for decades now. The discrepancies between both the populations of the parties constituents as well as their monetary contributions upon which the constituents of the other party are dependent are unsustainable.
Why must one party rule from the minority? Because they refuse to embrace their roles as civil servants … they refuse to put their constituents needs above the needs of their donors. This last cycle the failed to produce even a modicum effort. They didn’t even have a platform.
Instead of pitching WE THE PEOPLE on why they deserve to retain power, they embraced the most vile forms of weaponized propaganda. They f$&king embraced fascism, GD white nationalism, MFin’ immortality by way of drinking up GD babies whilst wearing little girl faces.
They knew they could not grow their base with such f$&kery, so they looked to abuse the court circuits they spent 4 years stacking (ask yourself why they deemed this necessary if not to extend their capability to hold minority rule over the American people).
This in inflection point in our history because the very heart of American identity … the ideals we have spent centuries touting and the documents guiding our governance we so frequently raise up as the peak of perfection … are vulnerable for the first time in my life time.
In Trump this nation managed to stumble upon a president that would test every “oh shit” button installed by our forefathers. For the first time in my lifetime I was prepared to go to war for my country.
As Obama surmised while eulogizing the great John Lewis, I felt I could no longer accept freedom for myself while witnessing the subjugation of my fellow Americans. The narrowness of our escape from this trajectory is impossible to over exaggerate.
4 years of Trumpism, of learning just how powerful a combination dualing reality information ecosystems, worldview rigidity, and the power of propaganda can be, 4 years of normalizing the absence of accountability, of purposefully f$&king the nation’s people without recompense …
They were hoping the insurrection succeeded … because if it succeeded then they got to retain power. When it didn’t … of course they want no part of holding accountable those that legitimately f$&king by GD definition committed sedition against this nation and WE THE PEOPLE.
For a brief moment, their minority rule has ended. But the governmental imprint they leave behind is a death knell for our democracy if not reprinted by the current administration. WE THE PEOPLE have returned legislative power to the party that believes in civil service.
If they choose to pick up the reigns and lead, WE THE PEOPLE may allow ourselves to return to a pre-2020 level of political engagement. If they choose to fall back into what feels familiar, to put worries of being primaried or run out of their red state …
if @TheDemocrats fail to invest their courage in their convictions … then WE THE PEOPLE will be called upon again to safeguard this nation against minority rule. Thinking about both ways the shoe might drop makes me anxious as well.
Already we have confirmation that 45 @GOPSenate members are too frightened by their base to take the last f$&king off ramp, their last chance to settle their accounts, disavow Trumpism, and reapply themselves to civil service.
As f$&king difficult as it might be to safeguard this nation against minority rule … or to unf$&k us from this pandemic nightmare … merging our dualing reality information ecosystems is the more difficult task.
@TheDemocrats must embrace the power WE THE PEOPLE have bestowed upon them to restore a people’s freedoms, to hold accountable those that have assaulted our democracy … bent it to the point that it must surely break without accountability.
For, “these are the vampiric vultures whose feathers we shall pluck … for WE THE PEOPLE must protect what we hold precious from such men and women … and make examples of them for future generations …
examples we shall include in our lesson plans when teaching our children’s children the history of this nation’s Tree of Liberty.”
PS: As always … f$&k mid-thread typos … and did y’all know their is a limit to the number of tweets you can build into a thread before tweeting?

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