1. Political: UCC likely to see huge protests from non-majority communities, perhaps equal to or more intense than land reforms and agri reforms protests.

2. If Govt stands firm - different matter. If not, yet another capitulation and significant loss of political currency.
3. Also with the likely fallout and necessary dealing with it, certain that no currency will remain to push any further agenda related to pro-Hindu constitutional changes - likely even in 2024+
4. Electoral: Likely massive favour amongst Hindus because somehow UCC is thought of as being good for Hindus.
5. Absolute polarization of non-Hindus guaranteed.
6. Social: Close to zero benefits for Hindus. In terms of Government interference in Hindu matters, guaranteed UCC won't offer any relaxation. Chance of Govt arm extending to additional matters significant.
7. Major blow to Ghar-wapasi. Distinction, and distinct superiority of Hindu personnel code, vanishes.
8. Any future amendment to Hindu personnel law can only come into effect if majority of communities agree to it (if UCC law starts again to distinguish communities, it is no UCC anyways).
9. Issues like polygamy can be dealt with without need for common law.
10. Net: There is no need for UCC now. Amendments to Art 25-30 far, FAR, more important and URGENT.

More from Farmer protest

Do read this thread. 🙏
Since Farmers protest, Troll Army has been hyperactive digging out old and unrelated vidoes/images and linking it to Farmers protest to demean the protesters. Just like they did for CAA/NRC protesters in Dec-Feb.
Here are a few #AltNewsFactCheck

A photo that predates both the farmers' protest and the introduction of agricultural reform ordinances approved in June was falsely shared as Muslim man disguised as Sikh to participate in the agitation. #AltNewsFactCheck

A photo of an elderly woman participating in a farmers' protest in Punjab in October was shared with the false claim that she is 'Shaheen Bagh Dadi' Bilkis Bano who was present in the recent farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck 3/n


An old video of few Sikhs along with Pakistani fans raising pro-Pak, Khalistan chants during cricket World Cup match in UK is viral as farmers' protest. BJP's Priti Gandhi, Punit Agwaral shared this and later took it down. #AltNewsFactCheck 4/n

A photograph shot during anti-CAA protests in Shaheen Bagh in February has been shared with the false claim that it shows 'Hathras Bhabhi' at farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck 5/n

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