Do you have a BLOG? Do you aspire to start as a TECHNICAL CONTENT WRITER? I have a few tips for you.

Here are 10 lessons from my TECHNICAL BLOGGING journey and a few Bonus tips. 🔥

A Mega Thread 🧵 👇

1. Any day is an Auspicious day to START.

Do not get stuck thinking when is the right time. Any time you have a topic in hand and the willingness to start is the right time.

For me, it started with helping my colleagues with customer documentations. Anything can be a trigger.
2. Find your NICHE

The topic IDEA is always around you. There are two possibilities,

1. You are good at something
2. You want to be good at something

These possibilities build your niche in the technical areas. Tap on what you want to learn or share. You got your topic.
3. You Need to READ To WRITE

Yes, It's hard to create value with writing without reading. Build a reading habit to write better. Start side projects to write using your first-hand experiences.

Reading and side-projects around a technical area give you ample ideas to write.
4. Your Writing Is Your Reflection.

You are unique, your style is unique, your expressions are unique, your writing will be unique too. Your writing style is a reflection of who you are.

Be AUTHENTIC. Inspiration is ok but No need to borrow the style. Your style gonna work.
5. Hobby to Habit

It's perfectly fine to start writing as a hobby. I did the same way. But to get the most out of it or build a career around it, you need to translate the Hobby into a Habit.

You do it by putting yourself on a roadmap like 1 article a week for a month!
6.1. Plan Your Content and Strategy ahead

You need to have a plan. Note down each and every topic that comes to your mind. You may not end up write articles for all of them but note them down.

Have a plan for at least a week ahead.

I use the Notion tool to plan.
6.2. Writing is the combination of Science and Art. There is a creative part like building graphics, deciding the flow of the topic, how to structure the article.

Do the creative work when you are most active in the day. Do not hurry because of tiredness or other work.
7.1. Content Structure

Primarily 4 areas to focus on,
- Cover: An image that is related to your content.
- Title: A precise title of the topic.
- Description: A short description of the content
- Content Body: The actual content where you want your readers to focus.
7.2. Cover

Give attention to the cover image. Gradually I realized, the more time you give to a cover design, the more creative you become about it. The good news is you don't have to be a UX expert for that.

I use Canva(free plan) to create the cover. Here is a few samples.
7.3. Title

The cover and title are the most visible things of your article to your readers. When they visit your article, it is 100% assured, they will read these. So use them as the entry card to your article content.

Here are a few title structure works best for me

7.4. URL and Description

A description(aka, meta description) is very useful for your article's SEO. A search engine like Google suggests the title, description, and URL SLUG within a character limit.

You can use any SERP tool to frame all of them. Here is an example 👇
7.5. Content

Ok, now the heart of the article, the actual content. I've seen much great content that doesn't get the deserved traction because it is not organized well. Structure the content body in multiple logical sections.

Use headings. Going up to 3 levels down is fine.
8. Understand Who you are writing for

It is important but you don't have to know at the beginning. Once you move from Hobby to Habit, you may have to find your target readers.

Are you writing for beginners? Intermediate, or experienced? Stick to it for a while before changing.
9. Review & Publish

Review the draft well for spelling mistakes, grammatical issues. You can use the following tools,

- Grammarly
- Hemingway App
Note: You still need to review it manually a couple of times after using the tools. Publish as you want. Again, no auspicious time.
10. Republish & The after facts

I encourage republishing your articles to many other platforms. Please make sure to set the 'canonical' URL so that the search engine doesn't count the republished piece as a duplicate.

After publishing?

A few Mythbusters

I believe in these,

- WORD COUNT doesn't matter for your own blog.
- It's fine if you are writing on EXISTING topics.
- PERFECTION is subjective. Don't go for it.
- Views will come only when u are CONSISTENT with writing.
- A good blogger is a Gr8 EDITOR.
Bonus: Platforms & Opportunities

Where to start from? Check out these platforms,

- .@hashnode
- .@freeCodeCamp News
- .@ShowwcaseHQ
- .@ThePracticalDev
- .@thedevdojo

With quality blogging comes many opportunities,
- Paid writing
- Freelancing
- eBooks
- Jobs
Here are the links to the tools that I have mentioned in this thread,

- Notion: https://t.co/Mw1XRgj5if
- Canva : https://t.co/0eK2MeI9Fa
- Grammarly: https://t.co/RUK30KLGd9
- Hemmingway App: https://t.co/dGuY10U8G6
- SERP: https://t.co/oT4X2Aaxj9
A bit about me & my blog,

- My technical writing experience is a little more than two years.
- Overall, I have written close to 200 articles so far including my Hashnode powered blog, freeCodeCamp news, CSS-Tricks, and paid engagements.


That's all for now. I'm glad to share my experience with you. AMA.

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