The Honorable @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Millions of fake IDs were manufactured by an Evil Nation. Not only were these IDs used to Steal Votes and dilute We the People's voice; they were used to Steal North of $10 Billion dollars in #COVID Virus relief. I belief this stolen

money (no evidence as of yet) was possibly used to finance Domestic Terrorism that we all witnessed across our Nation. This Act of War on US soil was perpetrated by a foreign power and Corrupt Compromised Politicians (the other #CCP) did nothing to prevent this as saving their
own corrupt self from embarrassment and jail time was more important than the safety of the communities they never really represented. Please sign an EO preventing any further monies on subsequent #COVID virus checks being sent to any one on US soil that didn't pay at least the
amount of the check in US Federal Taxes. For Legal American citizens that did not pay taxes but are lawfully entitled to that aid, perhaps a portion of our 18 million veterans would help deliver checks to those Americans after they provide proof they are in fact Americans.

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