Using knowledge derived from your videos @nishkumar1977 @vivbajaj I am Tracking sectoral performances real-time using Tradingview's Compare Feature.
Very Intuitive, Handy & Works with a Free Account!
Process :
1. Add your benchmark Index. Say, Nifty 50.
2. Add Indices you want to track Via Compare feature in @tradingview Click Same % Scale
3. I have added a handful of them. Because I want to see a sector turning and catch outperformance immediately.
4. Set a Benchmark Date from where you want the performance to be calculated. Since we have selected same % scale, as our chart moves the % on right will change. It considers the date on left as the starting point. Mark it & Scroll such that that vertical line is just about seen.
Save this as your Indicator Template & come back to it whenever you want to track indices from one page in real time & any time frame!