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So what about the Senators? We saw that at least 7 Republican House Members were so certain they had committed federal crimes, they begged for Presidential pardons from Trump

What about the Senators? Let's look at Trump's Three Little Pigs in a this Thread

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First off is the Kentucky Swamp Creature, #MoscowMitch McTurtle. Many associate Mitch McConnell with Trump & Trumpism & connect many of Trump's horrors like SCOTUS as enabled by Mitch

The reality is quite different, however. It is Mitch who played Trump
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Yes, Mitch is a monster & had caused irreparable damage to America, partly during Trump. But this is more like Hitler & Stalin. Both men were vile monsters, but sometimes allied, sometimes enemies

Mitch HATES Trump, always hated him, to this day
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I would argue that the Teenage Mutant Mitch McTurtle has caused MORE lasting damage to America (through SCOTUS in particular) than Trump. But McConnell used Trump to his own ends, and importantly, DENIED Trump what Trump most wanted
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The one thing Donald the Duck McTrump wanted more than anything in the whole wide world - was to have his silly little Wall. Which would not have cost much (compared to tax cuts etc)

And Mitch denied this to Trump. Trump even shut down his OWN government..
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Mitch so despised Trump, that on what was meant to be their last ever meeting face-to-face in summer 2020, at White House - when Mitch came to tell Trump that GOP Senators will not support Trump into November election - the McTurtle wore an Obama-tan suit
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Mitch used Trump to Mitch's own ends, to pass tax cuts for the rich & to flood US courts with McConnell's conservative judges, including 3 to SCOTUS. Judges that by the way, all hate Trump and voted systematically against Trump

Mitch didn't ask for a pardon
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Next up we have Cancun Cruz, the most hated man in all of politics. Surely he was knee-deep in January 6th shit, & must have begged for a pardon? We SAW his passionate bullshit in Congress on that day

Not so fast, partner. Congressional speech is protected
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Rafael, our Cruz-master, HATES Trump

And Trump hates Cruz

Ted would not lift John McCain's dead finger to help Trump. Cruz NEEDS Trump to fail & be locked up in prison

But Cruz cannot ever SAY this. Cruz is playing the NEXT con on the maga, AFTER Trump
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Understand Ted Cruz. He has systematically, methodically groveled to Trump without fail, ever since that non-endorsement speech at 2015 GOP convention

Cruz HATES Trump, but pretends to be his most loyal friend. Trump sees through this, most Maga see it too
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But Cruz is playing the LONG con against Maga. As long as Trump has not been locked up, Cruz claims to be loyal to Trump. While EVERY 2024 or 2028 rival for GOP nomination - every one - has wavered. Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Death Santis, John Kasich...
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Cruz doesn't care one iota what the polls say NOW. He will demolish his rivals in the DEBATES (2024 or 2028). Hey, Chris Christie, didn't you say Trump was wrong when... Hey DeSantis, didn't you turn on Trump when... The DEBATES. Cruz can claim to be 'pure'
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So it is a huge con, on the maga. Cruz will promise to pardon Trump, he will praise Trump at every stage - and destroy every 2024 or 2028 Republican rival in primaries, in the DEBATES. One by one. Knock them out. That is his plan
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So Ted Cruz will ABSOLUTELY not get involved in a criminal plot to overthrow America on January 6th

But he did create the ILLUSION he was 'loyally' there with them - including his memorable speech on the floor of Congress in support of Trump.
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There is ONLY 1 calculation for Cruz: 'the day when Trump is in prison'. That's it. That's why Cruz promised to argue Trump's case in front of Supreme Court. Cruz knew it never gets there but he got publicity out of it. The long con
Cruz doesn't need pardon
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So what about #LeningradLindsey Graham then? Did you notice, when Jan 6th Cttee interviewed TWO officials from Georgia - & Lindsey had tried to coerce Georgia to change their vote - Jan 6th Cttee 'forgot' to mention Lady G? WTF? Are they protecting Graham?
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Same thing yesterday. You can be certain Sen Lindsey Graham begged Trump for a pardon. And Jan 6th Committee knows who asked for pardons. No mention of Leningrad Lindsey? Something is smelling in the swamps of South Carolina
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What if Lindsey Graham has FLIPPED ? Grand #Flippathon! What if he has turned state's evidence and has ratted all Jan 6th conspirators out to Dept of Justice, FBI and the Jan 6th Committee? Would explain a lot - and why he is so conspicuous in his absence
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Lindsey Graham became, after John McCain died, one of most trusted advisors to Trump. They spoke on the phone every night (Trump also spoke with Hannity, Chris Christie, Giuliani & Newt). Lindsey would show up regularly at White House & fly on Air Force One
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When most only somewhat insane Trumpomobsters abandoned Trump at the end like Kellyanne Conway & Bill Barr, Leningrad Lindsey remained. It SOLIDIFIED his influence even more. And Graham did participate in Jan 6th CRIME at least re Georgia
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Sen Lindsey Graham is a moral vacuum & thus the ultimate political weather vane. His position about Trump has flipped more than anyone else. BUT - at that moment in time, his POLITICAL position was ALWAYS most tenable - for a Republican. Thermometer on maga
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I don't know why he did it (Jan 6th) with Trump. Maybe he was promised he'd be the Attorney General in Trump's second term as King Donald the Worst

But my take is Sen Graham requested a pardon, thought he'll get it, when not, flipped & ratted them all out

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Thread🧵on modes of pathogen transmission. #monkeypox

Transmission is messy, and there is no single mode that pathogens employ to invade a body. Indeed, modes can change.

Plague provides a great example of this: it occurs in multiple forms, depending on transmission route. 1/13

All are caused by the bacterium Yersenia pestis

Bubonic plague occurs when infected fleas bite a person, or the bacteria enter through a break in the skin. Infection causes characteristic "buboes"

Preventative strategy would be flea and rat control. 2/13

Plague can become more widespread via the bloodstream, causing septicemic plague. This leads to black areas of necrosis in the body, hence the term, "Black Death."

As long as it doesn't get to the lungs, prevention is the same as previous - flea and rodent control. 3/13

However if the bacteria set up infection in the lungs, they can now exit the body via respiratory aerosols

This is now pneumonic plague, a highly contagious form of the disease, transmissible by air, with an incubation period of only 1-3 days & 100% fatal without treatment. 4/13

The infection control measures of flea and rodent control are ineffective against pneumonic plague -- isolation and treatment of cases, airborne precautions, and prophylactic treatment and monitoring of exposed individuals are needed. 5/13

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