THREAD. I was invited to give a lecture at Oxford last week about police and prisons in the United States. After my talk, a student from Europe asked me if there was any hope to avoid fascism in the U.S. given the state of U.S. police and corporate media. A few thoughts.

The student’s question is urgent, and I hope prominent journalists will at least think about it. The below image is from a New Yorker article this weekend. Things like this are happening all over the U.S., (and much of the world). The threat of fascism is imminent.
In the face of existential threats like fascism—and to the ecological survival of our planet—many U.S. journalists in outlet after outlet are running story after story about whether a few types of narrow police-reported crimes are up or down by a number of a few dozen per city.
This coverage is absurd on its own terms. Crime is near *historic lows,* and fluctuations (up or down) discussed in crime stories are small on any objective view of total harm. They don’t compare to death/illness/injury from poverty, pollution, traffic, lack of health care, etc.
I want to say this clearly: Safety is important. I do this work and I write these threads because I care about everyone’s safety, including the most vulnerable people in our society.
Anyone who truly cares about the safety of other humans and of our communities and of all the animals and plants should be more focused on the crimes of the powerful that police don’t record, and on myriad threats to safety that elites don't call "crimes."
Preventable air pollution kills 5 times as many people in the US as homicide. Wage theft dwarfs all police-reported property crime combined. Tax evasion costs 100 times cop-recorded property crime. Cops themselves steal more $$$ from people than all burglary combined. And so on.
The vast majority of sexual assault survivors choose not to even tell police about it. I could go on. But the objective facts about actual harm are not controversial. Police crime statistics are a lazy, highly manipulated, pathetic substitute for evaluating how safe we are.
Police crime stories dominate the news in part because police devote big money to shaping the news. Most people have no idea about it because they never ask how a particular crime story becomes “news.”
But low-level crime stories also dominate the news because scaring the public about poor people through a high volume of anecdotal crime stories benefits people who own things and who control our political system. They want people scared only about *some* crimes by *some* people.
Narrowing our conception of safety is one of the chief tasks of police propaganda units, whose function is to distract people from what are objectively the greatest threats we face. Journalism that is complicit in this is Copaganda.
And so there is something devastating about watching liberal elite media fail in this moment. I sometimes use strong words in my threads, but that is because it matters a lot if the news fails to inform people about the most important things in the world.
When I talk about journalists here, I’m not talking about right-wing partisans. Obviously a big portion of corporate media sees its role as promoting authoritarianism. I’m talking about the far larger number of journalists who care about safety, evidence, and democracy.
I'm trying to highlight these issues for the many journalists who want people to understand the world better through their work.
For example, smart journalist @annielowrey just wrote 4,000 words “exploring” some “perceptions” of crime rates in San Francisco that platformed right-wing misinformation that flies in the face of evidence. The content was bad, but the decision to write it is more perplexing.
Not only is this reporting failing to educate people about the most urgent threats to everyone’s safety, but it manipulates what people see as urgent. It’s preventing us from solving the most consequential problems AND creating fear that will lead to authoritarian state violence.
Take SF. Crime in SF is historically low and yet a few right-wing billionaires, police union, and media are on the verge of convincing a scared public to blame city’s growing inequality on progressive DA who has almost no power to affect root causes of crime one way or another.
And this is the other huge failure of journalists. They have failed to inform the public of the scientific consensus that the root causes of even the narrow type of police-reported crimes the media obsesses over, have little to do with police and prosecutor policies.
The thing missing from almost every "crime" story in local news is the scientific consensus: when people harm each other, it has far more to do with inequality, poverty, social connection, the environment, mental health, etc. than the number of armed government bureaucrats.
I can’t stress this enough: even if crime were up in SF, elite media obsessing over multiple stories every day about a few more retail thefts or a few fewer drug convictions is like staying in the dining room of the Titanic “exploring” a gluten free meal as the ship sinks.
IN THE FACE OF THE EXISTENTIAL THREATS WE FACE, IT’S NOT THAT IMPORTANT WHETHER THERE ARE SEVERAL DOZEN MORE INDEX CRIMES IN SAN FRANCISCO. (There are actually fewer! But all of us who care about the world should help people focus on the greatest risks and the known solutions.)
And so I wasn’t sure what to tell the student at Oxford. We have to keep doing the work of resisting the growth of state surveillance, state violence, and aggregation of wealth. We have to build power and be in mutual aid and solidarity with the most vulnerable.
But we also have to hope that leading liberals and elites in journalism who still control a lot of the media institutions appreciate the existential risk before it’s too late.
Here is a cute cat who lives with me. It matters a lot to him that the news accurately tells people about the most important things in the world.

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