It's been a bit since we've covered one of Pat King's lives.

Friends, strap in. Get a cup of tea, perhaps a snack.

This one is a ride.


#YellowVestCanadaIsAHateGroup #antisemitism #transphobia #cdnpoli #cdnmedia

King dives head first into the Great Replacement/white genocide myth. It's all a conspiracy, see. Because whites have "the strongest bloodlines."

He calls it the "anglo-saxon replacement" so antifa can't get mad at him.

Who is behind it? Muslims and the UN. /2
Refugees, gay and lesbian folks, and transgender folks are also to blame. /3
King also believes food prices are part of this conspiracy.

Yes, really. /4
So is abortion, because of course. /5
His transphobia is off the charts. Also, Trudeau, the UN, and Soros. /6
So what is it King wants to do? Simple!

Try and take away Justin Trudeau's children in an effort to get their father arrested. Because he took them to a Pride Parade. Like any good person would do.

But he loves the gays, ya'll! /7
He actually thinks this can work. He thinks this is legitimate. /8
King is completely off the rails, stating Trudeau endorses "pedophilia as a sexual preference." /9
This is the guy who thinks climate change is bullshit because of "100 year floods mean 100 year climate cycles." /10
Now, we were sent an interesting conversation by a tipster who runs a parody Pat and Jay page.

These chuds turn on each other all the time so this wasn’t a surprise. /11
But the tacit admission of being an antisemite - that’s interesting.

This is absolutely verified.

Now his Holocaust “softening” (it wasn’t 6m, it was only 4m people) and constant references to Soros and globalism make a lot of sense.
cc: @ARCCollective @antihateca @agtbloodrayne @HasanHaiNL @NLArcade @kimbo1942 @EdmontonAgainst @YYCantiracist @YQLSolidarity @antifaintl
For our past coverage of King, please see:



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