Very interesting statement from @elonmusk re Ukrainian StarLink and how damaging it is for @SpaceX economics.

Being Ukrainian actually in the topic of StarLinks, I want to tell you some based facts re starlinks in Ukraine.


0. I admire the actions of SpaceX of enabling StarLink service in Ukraine. It is a true game changer for Ukrainian army in the open fields of no cellular, and long distances not suitable for radios, given the situation is changing quick on the battlefield.

It’s a game-changer.
1. Despite that, I have not seen ANY StarLink which was bought by the governments, or by SpaceX. All the Starlinks I have seen / used - were bought either by volunteers like myself, or soldiers put their personal money in.

The subscription price is also paid out of the pocket.
2. In my charity fund @dzygaspaw, I have bought and delivered to the frontlines over 50 StarLinks, some of them are still being paid from my credit card, now 60$ each per month.

Pic related - one more StarLink I bought and pay for - for Ukrainian EOD unit for Kharkiv offensive.
3. I would be VERY curious to see actual transparency on the process of getting StarLinks up and running in Ukraine, all the hidden costs that Elon claims. Because - Ukrainians pay the same price as everyone else but it’s only Ukraine that is a subject to discussion for @elonmusk
4. I have bought over 50 StarLinks, with official prices right from the website in EU countries - Poland, CZ, Germany - like 400-500 bucks each, then enable portability for extra IIRC 50$, then payed monthly fee of 60$ (was 120$ before).

It’s the same for everyone else in EU.
5. My question is - why is Ukraine so special for @elonmusk in sense of operating @SpaceX and StarLink? I don’t get the answers from the interview he did with CNN exclusive, especially given the numbers they claim.

I think it’s far from reality.
6. All pictures in this thread are legit usage of StarLinks in Ukrainian military for communication.

I am arranging that through my charity work - see
I have helped my buddies in the military to survive - just because they can get information.
May I present you bank statement of my buddy

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