4-Jan-21 *Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund asked House & Senate security officials to request the National Guard be on standby for January 6, 2021. He was turned down. Two days before the Scheduled Challenge for the Electoral College. -Wapo

8:30 *A/SD and CICS review DoD plan to support law enforcement agencies and request an exercise regarding DoD contingency response options.

9:06 Congressmen Mel Brooks begins speaking at the “Save America March” rally.

11:00 President Trump was scheduled to start speech, but did not.

11:30 *A/SD participates in table-top exercise regarding DoD contingency response options.

11:50 a group is already gathering on the east side of Capitol. -Wapo

(Remember Pres. Trump was late to freedom plaza) he hasnt even started his speech yet. If he did start as scheduled a first groups would have made sense. Timing is all wrong 🤔no sense...

11:52 Donald Trump Jr. films the president and his inner circle backstage before his father’s speech, marveling at the size of the crowd.-Nyt

12:00 Pres. Trump begins his “Save America” speech (1min of his mic being turned off.)

12:02 Mic on President Continues to speak

12:16 Trump: “After this, we're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down. We're going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We're going walk down to the Capitol...

...and we're going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.”

“We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing & only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully & patriotically make your voices heard.”

12:40-1st Protesters Arrive at Capital Building

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reports the first wave of ‘planted” protestors arrive at Capitol. He states, “As soon as they hit the fence line, the fight was on... Violent confrontations from the start.

They came with riot helmets, gas masks, shields, pepper spray, fireworks, climbing gear — climbing gear! — explosives, metal pipes, baseball bats.

I have never seen anything like it in 30 years of events in Washington.”

Speech is Freedom-Plaza still going on.
☆"Clearly NOT people who had just attended the president’s speech." -@MonkeyMasters
▶️ Sounds a lot like what i saw in Portland for 100+ days...
▶️ Have you ever watched Videos from PortlandAndy❓
Capitol Building

12:45 reports of suspected pipe bomb
Capitol Building

12:47 Capitol Police respond to report of a pipe bomb at RNC building, just a block away from the congressional building.- Wapo

12:49 The crowd arrive along the west perimeter fence becomes more agitated. @StatusCoup livestream

Capitol Building

12:53 A crowd break through the Capitol’s outer barricade on the northwest side

— 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends
Capitol Building

12:53 A crowd break through the Capitol’s outer barricade on the northwest side

— 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends
Capitol Building

12:58 The mob quickly breaks through three additional fences on the western lawns of the Capitol, forcing officers back onto the steps. We mapped that sequence here. Officers in riot gear arrive on the steps.
[email protected]

President Trump speech attendees were “expected” to arrive at the Capitol.

🤔(This did not happen as speech began an hour later than scheduled)-@MonkeyMasters

‘Suad states, “I realized at 1:00PM, things aren't going well... I'm watching my people get slammed.” -wapo
Capitol Building
‘VP Pence releases a written statement; “It is my considered judgement that my oath to support & defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted & which should not.”
Capitol Building

13:03 Seemingly unaware that a mob has reached the west Capitol steps, Speaker Nancy Pelosi begins the proceedings to certify.,

Outside, the chants begin: “Whose House? Our House!”
Capitol Building

▶️ I've heard this chant before if I'm not mistaken... I dont think it came from Trump Supporters.

13:05 *A/SD receives open source reports of demonstrator movements to U.S. Capitol.
Capitol Building

13:09 Before the President had finished speaking, Sund called the Sergeants-at-arms of the House & Senate. He told them it was time to call in the National Guard. He even said he wanted an emergency declaration.
Capitol Building

‘Suad makes his fist of five calls for backup and was denied. He contacted the Sergeants-at-arms of the House ‘and the Senate to request National Guard and emergency declaration. He was told to stand by.-wapo

▶️Who is in Charge of Capitol Police❓
Capitol Building

House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving said he wasn’t comfortable with the “optics” of formally declaring an emergency ahead of the demonstration, Sund said. -wapo
Capitol Building

Meanwhile, Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger suggested that Sund should informally seek out his Guard contacts, asking them to “lean forward” and be on alert in case Capitol Police needed their help.
Freedom Plaza

13:10 President Trump says these words: “So we're going to... were going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave. I love Pennsylvania Ave. And we're going to the Capitol. And we're going to try and give...
Freedom Plaza

someone shouts something ‘from audience) the Democrats are hopeless.
Freedom Plaza

President Continues:
They're never voting for anything. Not even one vote. But we're going and give our Republicans... the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help...
Freedom Plaza

We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Ave...
Freedom Plaza

I want to thank you all. God Bless You and God Bless America. Thank: you all for ‘being here. This is incredible. Thank: you very much.
Freedom Plaza

President Trump ends his speech. Music plays for another minute while he dances and waves at crow, Video shows music continues and crowds stay in place for a few more minutes while YMCA music continues.
Freedom Plaza

☆The President’s fans are not known for leaving his speeches 5 or 10 minutes in. And by the time the Capitol was breached, those who had stayed to listen to even the first 15 minutes would not have even made it there in time.
Nyt video
Capitol Building

13:14 The two houses withdraw from Joint Session for two hour debate.
Capitol Building

13:14 Crowds begin to walk from the Ellipse speech location toward the Capitol. According to Google Maps it is a 2.2miles 44+min walk from the Ellipse speech location down National Mall to the Capitol building East Entrance that will be breeched later.
Capitol Building

2nd suspected pipebomb reported
Capitol Building

13:26 *USCP orders evacuation of Capitol complex.

13:34 *SECARMY phone call with Mayor Bowser in which Mayor Bowser communicates request for unspecified number of additional forces.
Capitol Building

13:49 *Commanding General, DCNG, Walker phone call with USCP Chief Sund. Chief Sund communicates request for immediate assistance.
Timeline of Capitol riot stirs up controversy. Were rioters already there before Trump's speech? via @BIZPACReview
USA: “Incitement” Timeline Debunked As Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Pelosi, McConnell’s Sergeants-At-Arms REFUSED Security Measures. Trump Giving Speech When Antifa Staged Siege.

Antifa was bused in caught on video. Even received police escort to Capitol.
EXPOSED— ANTIFA was littered throughout the Capitol yesterday.

Vital info
A THREAD by @TaylorUSA
-Save America Virtual Reality Rally-


Hi John Sullivan I see your in the building now... Are you pointing the way to your co-conspirators?
Hi Logan Grimes did your daddy rat you out?
Carrying a Pistol Without a License (Outside Home or Place of Business) Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device (and), Possession of Unregistered Ammunition..
Hi Jacob the more I hear about you and your acting career the more it looks like well...

Self proclaimed shaman pictured with larp/shill Steinbart.

Green new deal environmental activist.

Wont eat while detained cause they wont give you organic food.
Hi Aaron registered democrat...
Nice outfit...
Where did you get that shield?
Douglas Jensen, 41, from Des Moines Iowa
You look like a dead ringer for Adrain De Rios
Who are you? I dk but this one brothers me...
Adam Johnson from Florida
Inactive voter since 2006?
Earle Attwel Glosser
Curfew Violation, Unlawful entry
Registered Democrat
John Again.... nice trump hat...

i know all about you thanks to @The_Justice7

Why did they release you already?
Michael Amos FL inactive voter
Arrested Curfew Violation, Unlawful entry

Timothy Scarboro NC inactive voter
Arrested Curfew Violation, Unlawful entry

I know who many of you are...
I have a list of 172 of you so looking up your voter history on my own takes time.
See also:

"The Army is investigating a psychological operations officer who led a group of people from North Carolina to the rally in Washington that led up to the deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump."

— (@kylenabecker)
I recognized this “press member” from Portland. She is known for setting up money shots and getting the PERFECT angle.

Let me show you!

Here Miss Money Shot is seen getting a PERFECT angle to get this entire clip of you guessed it... ANTIFA attacking the Police.
Pay attention to the gas masks they use, see a pattern? There’s a reason.

ANTIFA hands out these masks and razor scooter helmets that they turn into “PRESS ID” by using tape and a sharpie.

They were littered EVERYWHERE throughout the crowd yesterday.
These are just a few examples and there are many more—

ANTIFA successfully infiltrated right in front of everyone, and is primarily responsible for the vandalism of the Capitol and violence against the Police.
It's easy to see this stunt. The timeline. It's obvious. I feel sorry for the useful idiots that fell for your trap and joined in.
Capitol Building

13:50 Capital Breeched

See my timeline 44+ min walk remember according to Google Maps and slowed down from walking in a crowd. Speech attends arent there yet when the Capitol is breeched.
Capitol Building

‘The Capitol Building was first breeched on the First street East entrance. Conflicting timelines reported here, ‘because of the confusion over the Capitol East-West-North-South sides & entrances.-WaPo
Capitol Building

13:56 Speech Attendees Start to Arrive at Capitol -NewsMax/NationalPulse

13:58 President Trump speech attendees FIRST arrive at Capitol to find many barricades around Capitol building removed and agitation already in progress -@MonkeyMasters
Capitol Building

A widely circulated video shows the police removing a barricade at the northeast
corner of the building after violent confrontations between officers and the crowd. -WaPo
Capitol Building

13:59 Anarchist with ropes and climbing gear were seen scaling the North & West Sides.
Capitol Building

‘Suad reports: “They were extremely dangerous and they were extremely prepared. I have a hard time calling this a demonstration. I’m a firm supporter of First Amendment. This was none of that. This was criminal riotous activity.
Capitol Building
🤔My Cousin started laughing when he saw this video & said, “Oh no they’re going to catch me so I’ll run slower!”
Like Ins. Commercial where victims are chased by a chain saw murderer & run into a shed full of chainsaws🤣
Capitol Building

14:22 *SECARMY phone call with D.C. Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Dr. Rodriguez, and MPD leadership to discuss the current situation and to request additional DCNG support.
Capitol Building

14:24 Pres.Tweets:
“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country & our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts...
Capitol Building

14:24 Pres.Tweets:
...not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
Capitol Building

‘Suad joins a conference to ask the Pentagon for help. Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff said he could not recommend that his boss, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, approve the request
Capitol Building

14:30 *A/SD, CICS, and SECARMY meet to discuss USCP and Mayor Bowser’s requests.

14:38 President Trump tweets:
“Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peace!
Capitol Building
14:44 Ashli Babbitt reported as shot and eventually transported from building
15:00 *A/SD determines all available forces of the DCNG are required to reinforce MPD and USCP positions to support efforts to reestablish security of the Capitol complex.
Capitol Building

15:00 *SECARMY directs DCNG to prepare available Guardsmen to move from the armory to the Capitol complex, while seeking formal approval from A/SD for deployment. DCNG prepares to move 150 personnel to support USCP, pending A/SD's approval.
Capitol Building

15:04 *A/SD, with advice from CJCS, DoD GC, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB), SECARMY, and the Chief of Staff of the Army, provides verbal approval of the full activation of DCNG (1100 total) in support of the MPD.
Immediately upon A/SD approval, Sec McCarthy directs DCNG to initiate movement & full mobilization.
↪In response, DCNG redeployed all soldiers from positions at Metro stations &all available non-support & non-C2 personnel to support MPD. DCNG begins full mobilization.
Capitol Building
15:13 President Trump tweets:
"I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order — respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”
Capitol Building
15:17 Pres. Trump posts a recorded video message from the White House rose garden on Twitter:
“I know your pain, l know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election & everyone knows it, especially the other side.
Capitol Building
...But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt.
Capitol Building

... “It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where theycould take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country...
Capitol Building

...This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are co bad and so evil...
Capitol Building

"I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace."
Capitol Building

15:19 *SECARMY phone call with Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi about the nature of Mayor Bowser’s request. SECARMY explains A/SD already approved full DCNG mobilization.
Capitol Building

17:40 ‘The first National Guard arrives. MPD arrive on south side of US Capitol. This was dispatched by Vice President Mike Pence.

18:00 ‘Washington DC citywide curfew begins.

-@MonkeyMasters timeline
Capitol Building

18:01 Pres.tweets:

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & ‘viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for 20 long.
Capitol Building

18:01 Pres.tweets:
...Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!

20:00 Capitol Police declare the building “secure,” (protestors were removed from the building)
Capitol Building Questions

▶️"Bomb sweep completed❓" -@MonkeyMasters
▶️"Covid Superspreader cleanup ON ALL SURFACES of the Capitol Building all completed❓"
▶️"Murder Crime Scene Investigation completed in less than 4hrs❓" -@MonkeyMasters
Capitol Building

23:39 Pence gavels resumption of the Joint Session of Congress to order.
Sources compiled into one timeline from multiple accounts & Journalists
Please follow the following accounts
I hope I mentioned everyone oh I sourced

More from TXgrlWatching💻⚔🛡

There are motives behind this defund the police, people are not going be happy with. There is an active plan to federalize the police bring in UN peace keepers which is policed by nato. They corrupt politicians want to do away with Sheriffs not the police force.

This was set in to motion with UN strong cities network. Local police to be replaced by UN's peace keepers aka NATO troops and non-citizen mercenaries through the strong cities network UN to run local police boards U.S. cities.

I need you to understand what is at stake. It is America as we know it. The goal is to have the Constitution replaced, by the United Nations’ (UN) Bill of Human Rights.

Be careful what you wish for not everything is what it seems, these riots and looting will be used to justify their actions leading into the a globalist government having more control.

Pay attention to Bills being pushed by Congress. Pay attention to wording. Pay attention to stories of local Sheriffs threatening to deputize law abiding citizens.all these things are connected.
TIME MAGAZINE sugarcoating a globalist coup...

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

TIME MAGAZINE -Strange publication
Published Oct 22, 2020 ⬅️
Was media aware of a fix in election for Biden? Well looks like the new FEB 4, 2021 publication I posted above proves they did.

TIME MAGAZINE- Where did the flu go where dud flu deaths go?

Jan 18th, 2018


Did you know they said The Great Reset was a Conspiracy Theory?
Do you know they rebrand the same plan?
Do you know who he is below?
Do you know what a Technocracy is?
Do you like Authoritarianism?

World Economic

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