One can make an analysis of how many right wing groups published books before Modi in power and after Modi in power.

Would Akhilesh Mishra, Abhinav Prakash and many others have got a chance to write in an English daily before?

The VC of JNU, IIAS, Nehru center, RRML are all

Right wingers.

This, while some in our own fold were criticizing and backstabbing an excellent book (disagreeable in places) by Harsh Madhusudhan and Rajeev Mantri.

There have been at least 4 lit fests and think tanks developed by right wing in six years. Pondy and +
Mangalore are the prime of them.

There are more media channels and more anchors in neutral channels backing the government then those against in six years.

We have at least three big lawyers: Harish Salve, Mahesh Jethmalani and Mukul Rahotgi fighting cases. We have won
more legal battles than not and are able to get many things done that would look impossible just two years ago.

Yes, textbooks, deregulation, harrasment and cabalism of the left including tech suppression and killing spree of fascistic governments remain and everything is not
a bed of roses. But what was a bed of roses for the opposition is not a bed of roses for them too.
Udhav would have loved to see Republic closed. It hasn't.. Mamata would love to have killed the whose who in BJP - Not possible.. She would not like big wigs of TMC join BJP - Not
happening. Arvind Kejriwal would have loved to go to Shaheen Bhag and rile the crowds but he had to play both sides. Mehbooba and Omar would have laughed into jovialness seeing a bloodbath in Kashmir post 370 revocation while preaching peace playing both sides living in their
palatial homes. But they were house arrested not allowed to meet any opposition leader for a full year and maybe even more.

The NGO crowd would loved to have Art of Living closed or destroyed under useless cases on Yamuna riverfront. They're live and thriving.
Same with Sadhguru. The entire temple complex in Coimbatore including the Adiyogi Murthy should have been brought down. It's thriving with visitors and propelling against missionaries.
Yes. We have lost some. We have been less viscous. Sonia Gandhi should have been in Jail. Chidu case should have been closed by now and NDTV shouldn't be running and we should never be seeing Robert Vadra's face again. But let's not lose sight of what we have achieved +
in the frustration of what we have not gained yet!!

End of rant! Thanks!!

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