1. Enhanced clarity

Writing is the ultimate form of thinking.

You will feel more aligned with your goals if you bring them from your mind to reality.

Writing is the key to do this.
2. Improved self-awareness

When you journal every morning for 15 minutes, you start to spot patterns of behaviour.

You will see triggers for:

- Happiness
- Frustration
- Anger
- Hope
- Joy

You will start to learn what causes these things.
3. Critical thinking

You can't battle the great questions of our species in your head.

Let the page be your battlefield.
4. Improved relationships

You will start to view your friends and family in different ways.

When writing about them, you can see your thoughts staring back at you.

Perhaps you need to have a hard conversation or tell someone you love them.
5. Career advancement

You will be better at whatever job you do if you can write well.


Writing reports on employees.


Writing essays or graded papers.


We damn well need some better ones at the moment.
6. Reduced depression

I was forever under a rock before I started writing daily.

When your past is on the page, you can begin to process it.
7. Reduced anxiety

Your future will not be as unclear.

You can see a path forward.
8. Build a brand

If you write daily in the online space, you will build a personal brand.

This helps create relationships with new people as well as possible collaborators.

It's a way out of your 9-5.
9. Increased discipline

Pick a time.

Whenever in the day.

15 minutes.

Mind dump.

Just keep writing.

Don't stop.

If you do this for 60 days, you'll be unrecognisable. You'll feel invincible as you stand after the battle with a new powerful habit formed.
10. Overflowing inspiration

Life is a gift.

Writing about it will help you to see that.
11. Clearer ambitions

You'll not only know exactly what you want, but you'll be finding ways to get you there.
12. Applied failure

You'll fail.

You'll miss a day.

You'll spell a word wrong.

You'll reference the wrong thing.

Who gives a fuck?

You'll get back on the horse and ride again.

Because that's what great writers do.
13. Increased vocabulary

Of course, you don't want to walk around every day using words like 'indubitably' and 'sesquipedalian'.

However, you can start to use much more engaging vocabulary.
14. Problem identification

Struggling with something and you can't work out why?

Writing will help you break it down.

You can create a plan and process it on the page.
15. Character forming

You'll learn what kind of person you want to be through writing.

Someone who sits on their phone 8 hours a day?

Or someone who gets up, researches a topic, writes about it to process and learn and then writes more to help others?

Which sounds better?
Reasons to write every day:

1. Enhanced clarity
2. Improved self-awareness
3. Critical thinking
4. Improved relationships
5. Career advancement
6. Reduced depression
7. Reduced anxiety
8. Build a brand
9. Increased discipline
10. Overflowing inspiration
11. Clearer ambitions
12. Applied failure
13. Increased vocabulary
14. Problem identification
15. Character forming
Thank you for reading.

If you enjoyed this one, you can follow me @TheWritersGift

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