10 powerful ideas I wish I knew 10 years ago:

Full Benefit

Navy SEALs have a saying.

When something sucks, they say: "Full benefit."

Instant mindset shift.

• Hiking in pouring rain? Full benefit
• Lose draft of a project? Full benefit
• Driving + car breaks down? Full benefit

Adversity makes us better if we let it.
Choices > Feelings

We make too many decisions by how we feel.

• Do I feel like making calls?
• Do I feel like working out?
• Do I feel like studying?

Elite performers prioritize choices over feelings.

They do what they choose to do.

Not what they "feel" like doing.
The Inner Scorecard

There are 2 ways to measure success:

• Outer Scorecard
• Inner Scorecard

The best live by the latter.

They measure success by things like:

• Values
• Principles
• Standards
• Excellence
• Commitment

Develop your Inner Scorecard.
Remember Tomorrow

Amidst struggle, remember how you’ll feel tomorrow.

• When you’re tired
• When you want to quit
• When you’re frustrated
• When you feel defeated
• When you doubt yourself

Remember tomorrow.

You'll feel proud and accomplished if you don't quit.
Winners Make the Most Mistakes

Mistakes come from doing things.

Success also comes from doing things.

If you want to live mistake-free, do nothing.

If you want to win, go out and make mistakes.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

Our mind and emotions trick us.

They make us think feelings = truth.

Logic is the remedy.


• What are the facts?
• What’s the worst case?

Calm, rational logic defeats fear.
The Infection of Success

Your past doesn’t guarantee your future.

Some believe success will just repeat itself.

They're wrong.

This belief is the “infection” of success.

Success must be continuously earned.

Learn from the past, don’t live in the past.
Consistency > Intensity

A major habit building mistake people make is prioritizing intensity.

• Read 2 books / month
• Go to the gym 5x / week
• Cut out sugar cold turkey

It’s almost never sustainable.

Prioritize consistency to start.

Do something small every day.
Big Talkers and Little Doers

Some people say a lot and do little.

Others say little and do a lot.

Show people what you can do.

Don't be a big talker and a little doer.
Character Creates Longevity

Ability may get you to the top.

Character is required to stay there.

It’s easy to relax after reaching a goal.

Avoid this complacency at all costs.

Have the self-discipline to stay the course.
I hope these ideas make you better.

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