What is Yagnopaveetham?

Yagnopaveetham is a Sanskrit word; Yagna means sacred ritual and ‘upaveetham’ means a covering. Thus Yagnopaveetham means a sacred covering on the body without which a Yagna or a sacred ritual cannot be performed.


Yagnopaveetham is a triple-stranded sacrificial filament joined by a knot called ‘Brahmagranthi’ that is worn by those initiated into the Gayathri recital. So It is also called as ‘Brahmasuthram’

Yagno-pavita means ‘thread of sacrifice’ that symbolizes the
sacrifice of ego, anger & selfishness.

What significants three threads :

The sacred thread is a composition of 3 threads, signifying Goddesses Gayatri (thought),Saraswati (speech,wisdom) and Savitri (deed) respectively

The three strands remind the wearer that he has to pay off
the three debts (Runas) he owes to the ancient seers, ancestors and to the God viz. Deva, Rushi, Pithru Runa.

What should be its length?

When you wear the length of Yagnopaveetham should come up to the navel level and it should be neither above nor below the navel.
It is said that if it is below the navel it will lead to the loss of power of penance and if it is above the navel it is Ayuksheenam (decline in longevity).

Composition :

“Yagnopaveetham Navathanthu Nirmitham;”
Yagnopaveetham is made up of nine layers of woven cotton
thread spun by a virgin girl and twisted by a Brahmin reciting Gayathri manthra on an auspicious day.

 Length of the thread : used for making Yagnopaveetham as per scripts should be ‘96 breadths of four fingers measured by one’s own hand.
Arithmetic of number “96”

It is said that Gayathri Manthra has 24 letters and when it is added together from four Vedas it becomes 96 (24x4) that gives the power or eligibility to the Dwija to perform Yagnaand to recite Gayathri Manthra.
Four fingers represent four states of the soul a man experiences from time to time (waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep, and absolute Brahmanhood)

Significance of Nine layers :

It is said that nine layers represent nine devathas who are the presiding deities of Yagnopaveetham
Omkaram (Pranava),
Soma (Moon),
Pithru Devathas,
Surya and
Vishve Devathas.

Before wearing Yagnopaveetham one should offer prayer to all these nine deities.

Brahma Granthi :

As per the scripts it is prescribed that the Yagnopaveetham should have
knots equivalent to the number of Pravaras in one’s Gothra.
But in practice we find only one knot for the Yagnopaveetham.

The knot with which the three strands are tied together is called Brahma Granthi that signifies ParaBrahma (Pranavam) who is ‘Sakala Veda Swaroopa.’
Significance of wearing Yagnopaveetham :

The Vedic link that a child looses when the umbilical cord is cut is re established in the form of Yagnopaveetham.

In other words, Yagnopaveetham serves as an umbilical cord that connects him not just his immediate parents not just the
three generations but the entire tree of generations and the Rishi on whose root the whole tree flourished.

The three strands remind the wearer that he has to pay off the three debts (Runas) he owes to the ancient seers, ancestors and to the God viz.  Deva, Rushi, Pithru Runa.
Scientific reasons behind the use of Janeu :

There are lots of scientific reasons behind the use of Janeu vein named ‘Lohitika’ passing through the right ear regulates the flow of urine. So, when the person wears the sacred thread around his ear while passing
urine it indirect helps in urinary system to regulate the urine flow, thus keeping urinary system and bladder healthy.

It also helps in reducing the blood pressure and heart related disease as well. It also helps in increasing the memory power.

Covering the head and body with
a cloth while urinating or defecating is necessary to prevent direct physical contact with Rajas-Tamas predominant waves. Janeu act as this cloth so after washing the hands, feet, and rinsing the mouth with water, take the janeu off the right ear.

The spiritually reason is :
The physical body above the navel is considered pure for performing religious rituals, while the portion below it is considered impure.
Many Deities live in the right ear; simply touching the right ear with the right hand presents the benefit of an Achaman which leads to internal
purification. Hanging the Janeu on the sacred right ear prevents the induction of impurity. It also activate the Suryanadi which create protective cover of radiant waves around individual and prevent from Rajas and Tamas predominant activities such as urination & defecation.
Source - https://t.co/q9cnJIMylr https://t.co/n2z9YaaPFQ

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बोल के देखें

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🙏🏻 स्वयं करके देखें

प फ ब भ म – पांच के इस समूह को कहा जाता है ओष्ठव्य क्योंकि दोनों होठ इस उच्चारण के लिए मिलते हैं।

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प्रभु की इस लीला में यह हुआ कि एक दिन प्रभु ने देखा के सभी बृजवासी उत्तम पकवान बना रहे हैं और किसी पूजा की तैयारी में जुटे। श्री कृष्ण ने बड़े भोलेपन से मईया यशोदा से प्रश्न किया " मईया ये आप लोग किनकी पूजा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं" कृष्ण की बातें सुनकर मैया बोली -

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मैया के ऐसा कहने पर श्री कृष्ण बोले मैया हम इन्द्र की पूजा क्यों करते हैं ?

मैया ने कहा वह वर्षा करते हैं जिससे अन्न की पैदावार होती है उनसे हमारी गायों को चारा मिलता है।

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लीलाधारी की लीला और माया से सभी ने इन्द्र के बदले गोवर्घन पर्वत की पूजा की।

देवराज इन्द्र ने इसे अपना अपमान समझा और मूसलाधार वर्षा शुरू कर दी। प्रलय के समान वर्षा देखकर सभी बृजवासी भगवान को लगने लगा कि ये सब श्री कृष्ण की बात मानने के फलस्वरूप हुआ
Power Of Sanskrit 💪🏼
(The language of Gods)🙏🏻🚩

Longest Word in any Language of the World Literature from the “Varadāmbika Parinaya Champu” (a book in Sanskrit) of “Tirumalamba” (Female Kannada Writer) which dates back to 16th Century

(👇Listed in the “Guinness World Records”)

She wrote this book describing the marriage of the king who ruled The Vijayanagar Empire then, Emperor “Achyuta Deva Raya”. She lived in the Vijayanagar Empire which is in modern day Karnataka State of India

Contents and meaning of the world’s longest word 👇👇




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