Microsoft Excel is used by the majority of businesses but only 6% of people consider themselves an expert.

8 reasons you should become an expert at Excel:

1. Increases your income
Research shows it can increase your salary by 12.5%

I’ve personally used it to get raises and promotions, with raises up to 25%
2. It’s a marketable skill on the job market

Being an expert is extremely valuable and can be marketed on your resume.

But Excel projects can also become accomplishments, too.

Mine include:
• creating financial models
• tracking & management of a profit-sharing agreement.
3. Increases your efficiency

The ability to clean, sort, or organize data sets allows Excel experts to get projects done in a fraction of the time it would take to do manually.

This allows you to focus on data analysis and things that actually provide value.
4. Increases your quality of work

Because you can manipulate data, error checking is easy to build into a process.

This assures the data you’re sharing is more accurate than otherwise possible.
5. Create custom reports and dashboards

Using formulas and VBA (macros), you can use common datasets to create custom reports.

I’ve created custom reports such as:
• Cash flow analysis
• Tracked deadlines and due dates
• College football pick ‘em leaderboard
• and more
6. Allows you to process a lot of data

Excel has over 1 million rows and 16,000 columns.

Datasets that big are too much for someone to manage without a tool like Excel, but the program can handle them in a snap.
7. Makes data easier to read

Data can be overwhelming, so the ability to distill it and process it is huge.

Excel makes this easier with formula, filters, and the ability to sort and organize data.
8. Improve your decision-making

All that we’ve listed before:
• quality control
• custom reporting
• increased efficiency
• ability to process data
• making data easier to read

All lead to better decision-making.
It's a no-brainer that learning this powerful software can impact your career and work.

Soon I’ll be posting more tactical threads to help you learn Excel, so follow me so you don’t miss them.

Also, would appreciate a retweet of the first tweet:

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The best morning routine?

Starts the night before.

9 evening habits that make all the difference:

1. Write down tomorrow's 3:3:3 plan

• 3 hours on your most important project
• 3 shorter tasks
• 3 maintenance activities

Defining a "productive day" is crucial.

Or else you'll never be at peace (even with excellent output).

Learn more

2. End the workday with a shutdown ritual

Create a short shutdown ritual (hat-tip to Cal Newport). Close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 minutes tidying your desk. Then say, "shutdown."

Separating your life and work is key.

3. Journal 1 beautiful life moment

Delicious tacos, presentation you crushed, a moment of inner peace. Write it down.

Gratitude programs a mindset of abundance.

4. Lay out clothes

Get exercise clothes ready for tomorrow. Upon waking up, jump rope for 2 mins. It will activate your mind + body.

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