99.8% of athletes never play professionally.

I’ve spent hours studying the .2% who do.

Here’s what I learned:

Stay in the present.

“When you focus on the past, that’s your ego.

When I focus on the future, it’s my pride.

Focus on the moment, in the present. That’s humility.”
Make your own luck.

“Luck has nothing to do with it.

I have spent countless hours on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would come.” — Serena Williams

Hard work + talent leads to opportunity.
Skill comes from hours and hours of work.

Love this from Usain Bolt:

“Easy is not an option...

Talent you have naturally, but skill is only developed by hours and hours of work.”
But, by itself, working hard will not get you ahead.

Focusing your time and effort effectively is much more likely to make you successful.

Example: Leo Messi walks 83% of a soccer game.

The other 17% makes him the best player in the world.
Cut loose.

Oddly, athletes seem to perform best when it feels like they don’t care.

When you care too much you get tight and suddenly easy things become difficult.

Have some fun.
Know your role.

Gold from Alex Caruso:

“A big reason guys get stuck in the G League... they don’t realize the position they’re trying out for.

It’s like going to a job interview thinking you’re going to be the CFO, and they’re looking for someone to clean the bathrooms.”
Do everything you can to build and keep momentum.

Momentum is hard to describe. But when you’ve got it, you’ll know.

How to build it:

Do small things exceptionally well.

Let small things become big things.
Execution matters far more than vision.

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” — Mike Tyson
“Fine” and “not bad” are the biggest enemies of exceptional.

Katie Ledecky on avoiding complacency:

“I approach every single race with the attitude that I can break world records. I’m going to step up and throw down.”
How to take feedback.

The best coaches & teammates call you out on your bullsh*t.

They don’t accept mediocrity or even average.

Instead of getting upset, listen to the feedback and apply it.
Take care of yourself.

LeBron spends $1.5 million each year taking care of his body.

Not saying you can do that. But you can:

- Exercise
- Go outside
- Eat well
- Sleep
If you got something from this, please:

• Retweet the first tweet to help others find it

• Follow @nathanbaugh27

I write about sports, storytelling, and their intersection.
One more:

Optimists win.

If you think you can’t win — you’ve already lost.

If you believe you can win — you’ve got a chance.
Storytelling is the most important skill you can learn.

Try my free, weekly newsletter to become a better storyteller today: https://t.co/3MxPs1XWQI
Principles to success are well known.

Ruthlessly applying them, day in & day out, is the hard part.

We all know that.

Nothing guarantees “success,” but your habits greatly affect your odds no matter the field you go into.

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