Imagine wanting to return to a time where you could afford to own a home and raise a family on a single income, in a society that wasn’t poisoned by seed oils, rampant drugs and cultural degradation. Wypipo be racis, yo!

>mf we got iPhones!

Congrats you are now User872239473 of an unrelenting panopticon that watches everything you do 24 hours a day, only a brain dead consoomer r*t*rd would think this is an own
Bro as recently as 1980 we were so off the grid technologically that if you drove cross country without a license and got arrested but refused to tell the police/judge your name, they would just have no way of knowing who you were. Can you fathom what kind of freedom thats like?
Mfs really have gotten so gluttonous/lazy they cant even be bothered to go to drive thru anymore, will champion paying 20% markup on shit meal as long as its delivered within walking distance to their door.& these worthless c*nts cry about wanting 15/hr, lol you dont deserve shit
“Wypipo just wanna go back to a time when theys can own slaves!”
No, I just want to return to a time where I dont have to constantly hear you on the radio, see you on the street, on my tv or the evening news, when the gov and culture at large didnt treat you like coddled children
You know why violent crime rates were so high and then started dropping off after the late 90s? Because we started to attain technology that let us finally track, prosecute and lock up black criminals. What, you thought “13/52” was a 2010’s meme?
Don’t make me laugh with the MUH CRACK EPIDEMIC shit. That period was only bad because of the residual effects of the drug and it’s consequences for blacks, not the drug itself. And you wanna compare that to the ONGOING opioid epidemic? Gtfoh
How it started // How its going

Yeah crazy bro why would you want to leave sweet, sweet modernity? But have fun hotboxing your government issued pod while you wait for your ZogDash order to arrive
Imagine living in a society full of people with Cotard’s syndrome and having to not only respect their opinion that their bones are put in backwards or their organs are inside out or w/e, but I have to believe it too or else Im fired from my job. This surely is the best timeline!

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