THREAD: An FBI informant recorded the planning of a KKK plot to kill a Black man in Florida in 2015.

Recordings obtained by @AP provide a detailed look inside the investigation that exposed a murder plot - and the klan’s link to law enforcement.

FBI’s Jacksonville office wanted a confidential informant who had the talent and connections to get inside a violent klan cell, the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK.

They found him.
The informant was an Army vet and trained sniper, and like many informants he was a risky choice.

He’d had psychotic episodes and ongoing mental health issues, and was fired previously by an FBI agent for blabbing about his work on another case.
But he was a skilled operator.

After making contact with the klan, he signed a blood oath and was “naturalized” into the Invisible Empire of the KKK.

The FBI OK’d him to begin secretly recording.
He professed a background as an elite assassin, and the klan elevated him to “Grand Night Hawk” in charge of group security.

That’s when three klansmen who were current and former prison guards approached him about the murder.
The guards wanted to kill a Black prison inmate because he’d bitten one of them during a fight.

“One night we find him out there and I can walk right up, put him out of his misery,” said a klan leader, called the Exalted Cyclops.
The recordings capture three klansmen driving to the inmate’s home. They had syringes of insulin and were ready to kidnap and inject him and make it look like an overdose.
The murder attempt would be unsuccessful, but they planned to try again. Later, FBI agents staged a murder photo the informant could show to the klansmen and record their reactions.

The photos, elicited joy and cheers.
Florida prosecuted the three former guards. Two of them got nine years, one pleaded out and got four.

Even with proof of klansmen working in a state prison, the DOC didn't find cause to investigate further. A spokeswoman told @AP there was no indication of a wider problem.
In April, @AP visited the employee and volunteer parking lot at the prison where the three klansmen had worked.

Vehicles were festooned with imagery associated with white supremacist groups including the Confederate Flag and Q-Anon.
The FBI has for decades warned that white extremist groups’ infiltration of law enforcement is a modern national security threat. Off-duty police officers marched alongside white supremacists in the Jan. 6 insurrection.
The klan’s failed murder plot continues to haunt the target of it. Warren Williams and his family live with constant paranoia and fear that the klan will finish the job.

Williams is suing Florida and the three guards. Florida has moved to have the suit thrown out.
WATCH the video from @AP and read @JHDearen’s story on

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परन्तु पीपल के कोटर में रखा बालक भूख प्यास से तड़पने लगा। जब कुछ नहीं मिला तो वो कोटर में पड़े पीपल के गोदों (फल) को खाकर बड़ा होने लगा। कालान्तर में पीपल के फलों और पत्तों को खाकर बालक का जीवन किसी प्रकार सुरक्षित रहा।

एक दिन देवर्षि नारद वहां से गुजर रहे थे ।नारद ने पीपल के कोटर में बालक को देख कर उसका परिचय मांगा -
नारद बोले - बालक तुम कौन हो?
बालक - यही तो मैं भी जानना चहता हूँ ।
नारद - तुम्हारे जनक कौन हैं?
बालक - यही तो मैं भी जानना चाहता हूँ ।

तब नारद ने आँखें बन्द कर ध्यान लगाया ।

तत्पश्चात आश्चर्यचकित हो कर बालक को बताया कि 'हे बालक! तुम महान दानी महर्षि दधीचि के पुत्र हो । तुम्हारे पिता की अस्थियों का वज्रास्त्र बनाकर ही देवताओं ने असुरों पर विजय पायी थी।तुम्हारे पिता की मृत्यु मात्र 31 वर्ष की वय में ही हो गयी थी'।

बालक - मेरे पिता की अकाल मृत्यु का क्या कारण था?
नारद - तुम्हारे पिता पर शनिदेव की महादशा थी।
बालक - मेरे उपर आयी विपत्ति का कारण क्या था?
नारद - शनिदेव की महादशा।
इतना बताकर देवर्षि नारद ने पीपल के पत्तों और गोदों को खाकर बड़े हुए उस बालक का नाम पिप्पलाद रखा और उसे दीक्षित किया।