This thread was inspired by @PrinceGanaku. He made a legal argument pushing back against the legalization of homophobia, which some like @konkrumah have happily advocated.
I come from an academic background in social and political philosophy. I wanna make a moral argument 1/x.
Homosexuality is better defined as sexual attraction in homogeneity. The claims made against this phenomenon have been drawn anywhere from biological science to majoritarianism in democracy. I would like to pick and tackle three of these: science, religion and majoritarianism
The search for what makes one gay, sensationally-named the Gay Gene, has dominated the scientific discourse on the matter. Science is reductionist materialism
The attraction btwn man and woman is thought to have been reduced to a material cause in our being so what about gays?
But have we really reduced heterosexual attraction to its material cause in our biology? The best answer is no.
I would encourage anyone to seek this: "what is the cause of heterosexual attraction" and I would confidently tell you that the science is inconclusive
We don't know
We have no idea WHY usually, those we call male are attracted in sexual biological and neurological terms to those we call female.
We know HOW it happens. That is to say we can explain observable phenomena like hormones and receptors moving but we don't know WHY men like women.