Authors I Will Never Stop

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Nikki Haley has reportedly resigned (UNCONFIRMED):

“...according to two sources briefed on their conversation. The timing of her departure is still unclear.”

Nikki “Mona Lisa”

And @maggieNYT

Nikki Haley wants to “take a break.”

A fascist who supports military dictatorship, threatens to jail thousands of political opponents, demonizes free press, is racist/misogynistic/homophobic, was advised by Steve Bannon, and talks about a national “cleansing” is about to win the presidency...
...of Brazil.

I’ve said it before: LOTS of money is being spent to destabilize liberal democracies ALL AROUND THE WORLD and to promote fascism and white

We in the United States tend to be self-focused.

But this is a GLOBAL CAMPAIGN to destroy representative government.

To. Destroy. It.

And it’s done.

Eu sinto bruito,
This is in reaction to the market decline, which was in reaction in part to higher interest rates.

It is also in direct opposition to WH statement on same subject earlier today that said the market drop was “probably a good thing” and a supposed “correction” to a “bull market.”

Trump tries to have it both ways, but that’s not how it works.

That’s not how any of this
Saudi scapegoats general for assassination of #Khashoggi:

By royal decree, Ahmed Assiri has been removed from his post as a deputy intelligence chief.

This is insane.

The Saudis brought a BONE SAW with

“He got in a fight with 18 of our guys and accidentally died so then we totes had to cut up his body so we could transport his remains more easily.”

(KSA has not addressed the whereabouts of #Khashoggi in revealing the results of its

Crown Prince MbS is using this to consolidate power.

(There were hopeful rumors the King would rein him in.)

This feels very Kushner-like,

This thread is really what they’re going with. All in.

I anticipate the WH will accept this version that offers (barely) plausible deniability to MbS and celebrates his and the Kingdom’s “transparency” and “swift action,” or something to that