Authors Dr. Jen Golbeck

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Let's do a Friday afternoon check-in on what's going on in pro-Trump social media

One of the most dominant themes is paranoia. Anyone who talks about a rally, protest, march, or other action gets accused quickly of being part of the FBI/antifa/deep state 1/

That said, this is not quite right because… 2/

…the Virginia Citizens Defense League is organizing a caravan for Lobby Day on the 18th. Their event was armed last year (photos from 2020) and they explain how to show up armed this year, even though they don't have permits to hold an official event 3/

That's not to say they are showing up to try to overturn the election, but still, it IS a conservative group holding an optionally-armed "bunch of people showing up in the same place but not calling it a rally event". FWIW, some think the Deep State is setting them up too 4/

Still, I'm not seeing any big organizing of events on open pro-Trump social media. Smaller groups may get together, but I don't see anything happening at scale among average MAGA supporters 5/