Authors Simon Johnson

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There is literally too much to unpack here.

Seems like the AGs job is to constantly make recommendations that are ignored. How ironic is it that the Ministry that is responsible for distributions to the poor is also the one that has some of the glaring 'irregularities'.

"Nowhere was the picture more stark than in Karl Samuda’s MLSS, which the auditor general argued has been persistent in ignoring recommendations over the years to improve its stewardship of public funds."

That ministry alone accounted for unresolved monetary risks of 3.3 billion

173 million in transactions could not be verified because of inadequate supporting documents.

173 million..


Disregard for it's own internal audit..

Significant internal control deficiences....

Lack of appetite to fix the problems flagged as far back as 2011!!!

This was already known but

"In a damning 2018 audit, Monroe Ellis found that in 2017, without permission, the NIF spent 27 million to purchase shares owned by the spouse of a senior executive."

Uncovered alleged 600 million fraud in 2018...

50 million in payments made to companies without valid contracts....

That brings total taxpayer exposure to 35 billion...