Authors Woke Capital

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When you want elected officials to hear your concerns, you are a domestic terrorist.

When they want to intimidate elected leaders from carrying out lawful processes, they are simply "Anti-Kavanaugh protestsers take over the Senate Office Bldg. atrium on Capital Hill."

Trump put out a video telling the protesters to go home. Gets a comms cut, Twitter and Facebook timeout.

Did any prominent democrat tell the BLM rioters to stop burning shit down, or did they pour gas on it.

There was a coup alright, it's just not the one being reported.

Yes, and the GOP continues to play their role as outer party controlled opposition. Washington Generals doing what the Washington Generals

At this point we see clearly Trump never held power. There's a giant power vacuum in the US right now, he failed to fill it.

That vacuum isn't going away. Those 75M MAGA voters aren't going to disappear.

The crackdown to come will only inflame tensions. This is just beginning.

Months of burning cities, billions in property damage and looting. Politicians, celebs ran fundraisers to help them post bail. They executed a MAGA in Portland. Cops, politicians, military literally bent the knee to them.