How I created a six figure business by only writing tweets in a third world country.
A thread on how a razor and $50 changed my life:
I'm by no means special, I'm actually stubborn as fuck.
English isn't my first language.
For months I just lurked Twitter not doing anything.
It was not until an opportunity literally fell in my lap that I decided to take it.
But here's how I did it (and how you can too):
The funniest part of the story is how I did literally nothing for months on Twitter.
Just write, write, write.
Meanwhile, I saw everyone winning.
"I made $100k last year!"
"I made $50k last month!"
"This tweet made me $1,000!"
I started asking questions:
"How the fuck do you make $50k in a month?"
"Clients? How do you get your first client?"
"What would my clients even pay for?"
Then I kinda put it aside and kept writing tweets.
100 followers, then 1k, then 2k then 10k and it all went pretty well
One problem tho:
I loved it.
I really did. Writing is so fucking dope to me.
But I haven't make a single cent from it.
"Follow your passion" seemed like bullshit, until it hit me: