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@AnilBhauHindSWa Ok, i'll try to cover this briefly but as clearly as possible:

ब्राह्मण्यं देवि दुष्प्रापं निसर्गाद्ब्राह्मणः शुभे |
क्षत्रियो वैश्यशूद्रौ वा निसर्गादिति मे मतिः ||६||

brAhmaNyam (brAhmaNa-ness) is difficult to obtain; it comes innately; so does kSatriyatvam, etc.

त्रेताग्निमन्त्रविहितो वैश्यो भवति वै यदि ||
स वैश्यः क्षत्रियकुले शुचौ महति जायते ||३३||

After listing all the acts a vaishya should do, including the maintenance of 3 shrauta fires, mahAdeva tells umA that such a vaishya will take birth (jAyate) in a kSatriya family.

गोब्राह्मणहितार्थाय रणे चाभिमुखो हतः |
त्रेताग्निमन्त्रपूतं वा समाविश्य द्विजो भवेत् ||४३||

ज्ञानविज्ञानसम्पन्नः संस्कृतो वेदपारगः |
विप्रो भवति धर्मात्मा क्षत्रियः स्वेन कर्मणा ||४४||

The kSatriya who goes over & above the duties meant for him: who is forward-facing in battle for the welfare of cows & brAhmaNas and he who enters his three shrauta fires [after death]; such a kSatriya becomes a dvija (means brAhmaNa here);

Becomes? In this life? So, a kSatriya can just become a brAhmaNa then? No, because the shloka clearly refers to one who was slain (hataH) for the noble ends and/or reached the other world after being committed to his three holy fires in the cremation (samAvishya). Thus, no doubt.
In this sacred time of the year, we dedicate to शिव this thread about the role in the महाभारत of his particular form as श्रीकण्ठ-रुद्र. #shivabhAratam #शिवभारतम्

1.The great ऋषि & ritualist, बक-दाल्भ्य asks धृतराष्ट्र for cattle, who arrogantly calls him a ब्रह्मबन्धु (lit. a ब्राह्मण’s kinsman, effectively means a “namesake ब्राह्मण”) & offers cattle already dead due to sickness caused by भगवान्-पशुपति. #shivabhAratam #शिवभारतम्

1. Cont’d: बक-दाल्भ्य then offers the whole कुरु kingdom with the meats of the sick cattle & black rice grains to अग्नि-रुद्रवत्, with the कुरु country wasting away, till धृतराष्ट्र realizes his error and begs the ऋषि to release his kingdom. #shivabhAratam #शिवभारतम्

But the sacrifice of कुरु-s to रुद्र had begun & this only prefigures the even bloodier sacrifice to take place. The account given with बलराम’s यात्र in शाल्यपर्व must be read together with account given in कृष्णयजुर्वेद’s काठक-संहिता for fuller details. #shivabhAratam #शिवभारतम्

2.व्यास explains to द्रुपद that it is शंकर who imprisoned 5 old इन्द्र-s & sends them down as the 5 पाण्डव-s. #shivabhAratam #शिवभारतम्
There are some people who follow me & take a grievously wrong approach towards matters of dharma. This is for them: See below:

If you sincerely want to understand our shAstras conscientiously, this is a dangerous attitude you ought to abandon at the very outset.

You can EITHER:

1. Wallow in self-pity, resentment, victim-hood & political correctness, follow half-baked people who make you feel good & abuse venerable AcAryas as casteists


2. you can actually bother to learn the tradition for what it is.
You can scroll up from here and then read down. But for convenience's sake, I will be posting screenshots of the relevant portions of the thread in the next few tweets.

Introduction, some basic terms relating to the topic and historical context:

brAhmaNas, kSatriyas and the vish; relationship between these three groups and the supposed, respective occupations: