Authors Dan Price

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Compared to white people:
*Black-owned homes devalued 23%
*Black-owned property taxes 13% higher
*Bank fees 2x higher for black customers
*Black-owned biz closed at twice the rate in pandemic
*Black people w/ NO criminal record earn $10k less than white people w/ criminal record

Sources on all that
1. Homes devalued
2. Property taxes
3. Bank fees
4. Small business closures
5. Pay/criminal record comparison

*Black college grads have 50% less wealth than white high school dropouts
*Top 10 most-audited counties are 79% people of color
*Black-white homeowner gap is bigger now than 120 years ago
*Electoral college gives white people 16% more voting power than Black people

Sources on that:
1. College/high school dropout wealth gap:

2. Most audited counties:

3. Homeownership gap

4. Electoral college

*All Black Americans combined have half the wealth of richest 400 ppl
*White ppl get inheritance at 3x the rate of Black ppl
*Black college grads have $25k more in student debt than white grads
*Black families have $166k less wealth than white families, more than pre-Civil Rights