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This is the ball-less-ness and spinelessness that has completely festered across our great land through years of complex information warfare campaigns.

The Preamble to the US Constitution is WE THE PEOPLE, it is a list of things the state CANNOT do.

But "public safety"

is determined by whom? We the people? Well that can't be accurate. Generally those recommendations come from the UN, the WHO, the CDC. Those bodies are funded internationally often from United States tax dollars; however, not with representation of the people.

So public safety rules are by definition the exact same concept that caused the American Revolution from the Boston Tea Party. There was British Royal Crown taxation on tea, despite the fact the royal crown had no claim to the new American colonies labor land or resources.

Public safety rules are being imposed by unelected, unaccountable new middle class. There is an ultra elite now that runs the worlds money supply, big pharma, big food, defense contracts, and money laundering operations, and then you have

The new middle class of deep state swamp protection that makes up Communist Party adherence and other useful idiots who are rewarded for believing all the propaganda and being the enforcers. The final class is everyone else. The people the plandemic was created for, the people