Do u know how unsung true heroes look like?
I discovered them recently.
See the picture attached!
#Nagas 🙏
My humble attempt to bring to u all what I found about them.
It's time we place our gratitude & reclaim our true history,which is definitely not Moghal
When we see #Sadhus Either we feel scared or think they r beggars.
There has been a gradual brain washing to believe that Sadhus or Babas cannot be trusted
Blame #Bollywood or past Govt for not teaching the history right
But fact is we have largely being ignorant about them
#Nagas especially instill either fear or dark fascination
However, its far from truth
Naga basically means mountain
So these sadhus live in akharas situated there
Only during Kumbh Melas they come out
During 1st att@ck of Md Ghouri, Nagas surrounded his army in
Ghouri's arm was cüt in Tarawadi
Pleased, Prithvi Raj Chauhan gave right of 1st holy dip in #Kumbh To Nagas
Nagas are different from #Aghoris However both are #Shaivites, that is worship Shiva
When a person decides to join as Naga his tenacity, brahmacharya
disciplined meditation, sannyas & loyalty to religion are examined in a major way.
It takes 6 mos to 12 yrs.
If the Arena decides that it has been worth the initiation then it is taken to the next process
He makes his Shraddha, Mundan, & Pindada,kept in the Sanyas religion