"The Millennial Consumer Index" - My picks for a DJIA style 30 stock Index with Co.'s that best serve that demographic.

Fellow Millennials, What would be some of your picks?😀
@richard_chu97 @saxena_puru @FromValue @TMFJMo @dhaval_kotecha @adventuresinfi @reshoftc @BrianFeroldi

My criteria & list is
✔️US Consumer centric
✔️No B2B stuff (unless end-user uses it for non-Business reasons also)

This is just a Fun-Friday exercise. So don't take it too seriously and ask me why your fav co isn't there. Just add yours in the comments. 😂
Picks ⬇️⬇️
E-Commerce : $AMZN $ETSY $W $LULU $CHWY
Entertainment : $GOOG $NFLX $SPOT $ROKU
Social : $FB $SNAP $PINS
Finance : $SQ $PYPL $LMND
Food/Beverage : $CMG $SBUX $DPZ $CELH
Online Services : $MTCH $ZM $DOCU $TDOC $RDFN $FVRR
Life style : $AAPL $TSLA $PTON $ABNB $UBER
Let's keep aside the discussions about recent hype or over-valuations for any of these Co's.

This thread is about which Companies (in my Portfolio/Watchlist/Universe) are doing an awesome job of serving/engaging the Millennial Consumers (in US).
The intersection of Technology, Demographic, and Consumer (behavior) trends are incredibly powerful.⚡️

We often over-estimate what can happen in the short-term (hype) and under-estimate what can happen in 1-2 decades (strong trends).
The Co.'s that can
✔️Create/leverage those trends
✔️Offer valuable Products/Svcs
✔️Start the relationship with Consumers at the right time & then continuously nurture
✔️While being engaging/caring (for all stakeholders)
can get a lot bigger than what current Fin stmnts show.
If Customers love the Products & sense that you really care
-You get the mind-share 🧠
-Slowly you get the Wallet-share. 💰
-If the Company can become habit forming, while providing ongoing value/joy, that relationship can be incredibly powerful.💪
If you combine the above with some powerful potential of the Digital Co's

✔️Virality/Scalability of the best products.

✔️Optionality to leverage Tech to provide adjacent use-cases for your Consumers

✔️Zero Marginal cost (in many cases)
✔️Powerful Network Effects and Switching Costs after a certain point

✔️More Data making your Product much better (creating feedback loops) and separating yourself from Competitors

✔️Providing/capturing value on top of someone else's Capex
All of these combined can create some incredible Business momentum and value capture over the medium to long term.

and THAT is a real joy to watch as a Consumer🛍️and even more so as an Investor💰💰.

All the Best 👍👍


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