One of the most common tricks used by woke Social Justice activists to defend their view is to de-legitimize criticism by attacking the motives of the person who is opposing them. The goal is to undercut the moral authority and social standing of anyone who disagrees with them

If you criticize the views of woke Social justice Activists they'll attack your motivations and imply that you're not being honest about your true motives. The goal is to make the audience suspicious of your intentions so they won't trust you or believe anything you say.
By attacking your motives the woke activists can both discredit you while getting the audience to raise their level of skepticism toward you. This tactic is sometime referred to as "poisoning the well."

It is a dirty tactic, but it is effective.
Here @BrandonLBradfor attempts to smear Conservative Black thinkers by claiming the reason the Right listens to conservative blacks is to assuage their own insecurity. The implication is people don't really care about the ideas of conservative blacks, they just use them...
This implies that the ideas of conservative blacks are not worth listening too, and that even if conservative blacks had good ideas, nobody would care any way. This is the sort of pure cynicism that typifies Wokeness.
Here Joshua Harrington-Sealy uses critical race theory to say that certain lawyers objections to a Statement Of Principles (SOP) was a show, and that he can use Critical Race Theory to explain that is was *REALLY* about regressive politics, not principles.
Note that Mr. Sealy implies that the reasons people claimed to be agains the SOP are just a show, and he needs to pull back the curtain and tell you what everyone's *REAL* motives are.

Again, pure cynicism.
Here @kkdumez implies someone negatively reviewed her book in order to trivialize her scholarship because she's a woman. All of the reviewers objections to her book are just layers of nonsense that need to be cut through so you can see the real motivating force: sexism.
Woke activists do not want to win by defeating you intellectually, they want to win by tearing you down socially.

The goal is to destroy your credibility and make it look like you're hiding something and not being upfront with the audience.

It's a disgusting tactic.
Do not try to diffuse this tactic by insisting that you're honest. That turns the conversation from an intellectual discussion about facts and ideas into a referendum on your character. That's what woke activists want, don't fall into that trap. There's a better solution...
The right move is to make it obvious they're using a smear tactic. Simply saying "you're not using arguments you're just attacking my motives" is much more effective then trying to defend yourself because it makes the smear tactic obvious so people don't get taken in by it.
If you make it painfully obvious that the other person is using a smear tactic, refuse to react with anger or insults and direct the conversation back to the arguments and the facts, you can diffuse the smear while increasing your credibility with the audience.
Here is an excellent explanation of the principle explained perfectly by Jordan Peterson. He explains exactly how to respond to attacks from people. This is really excellent.
Because woke activists are very concerned with social power you can expect them to try to win debates or have their ideas win the day by using social power to enforce their view. That's not how we want to go about things. I've messed up in this area and had to apologize...
So I do not claim to be perfect, and I am still learning how to do this better. however, the times I've been most effective are when I don't let unfair tactics fluster me and I simply call them out, make them obvious, and then get back to the point of the discussion.

I do my best to behave well and argue carefully.

Sometimes I fail.
Sometimes I get cynical.
Sometimes I lose my temper.

But I do my best to have that happen less, and I apologize when I mess up. So please forgive me when I fail and keep me humble when I succeed.

Thank you

More from Wokal Distance

There is an entire industry of guys like this whose only goal is to front as "speaking truth to power" while they build a brand. "Social Justice"
*IS* the cool thing.

I did an entire thread on how these sort of people monetize Social Justice on the one hand, and the turn around and accuse anyone who disagree with their ideas and methods of being in it for power and

Books like "White Fragility" and "how to be antiracist" sell millions of copies...because that's where the money is and this guy thinks anyone who would say "this recent cultural view that progressive Christians are adopting is bad theology" is in it for money and power...

Ibram Kendi wrote "how to be anti-Racist and had an ad deal with McDonalds.

Does Ameen think he's in it for the money?

Nikole Hannah-Jones said "Capitalism is the motor thay drove slavery" and then, this is not a joke, did a lecture series on emancipation *SPONSORED BY SHELL OIL*

Will @Ameen_HGA be accusing her of chasing power?
Time to talk Trumpers.

This is Cori Bush's bill to expel from congress anyone who supported election challenges yesterday.

Yesterday was Jan 6.

The bill is dated Jan 5.


You guys are going to take the "L" here and quite frankly you deserve it. Cori Bush is going to eat your lunch every day until Biden is inaugurated and there isn't a thing you can do about it.


Let's talk about how to make sure this never, ever, happens again.

How did Cori Bush know you guys were going to have problems and violence?

Because she was trained in the lefty protest movement. Lefty organizing are what she did for years, that's her area of expertise. So she knows just how quickly and easily protests go off the rails...

She knew that this was likely planned by people who did not understand how easily protests go bad, and she knew there was a high likelihood of something going wrong.

Someone is going to say "They had people planted to make it go violent, it is not our fault..."

So what?

Your job is to make sure your people behave, and that you have enough trained people to handle agitators looking to make trouble.

The left knows how to do this. The hold peaceful protests *WHEN THEY WANT TO*

Look at the Women's march, 2 million people, no violence

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... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.

Tweet: https://t.co/36FnYnsRT9

Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: https://t.co/XLfoX4rpck / https://t.co/vjE1ctLU5x

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: https://t.co/vcDpTu3qyj / https://t.co/CA3N6hC2Lq