If U remember from an earlier post I brought up Sen Elizabeth Warrens remark that "Obama did more for Wall Street than Main Street." I concur. U can ignore poor black people all day, but under no circumstance can U ever ignore poor white

Now Biden must be careful not to repeat the same mistakes of Obama. Biden most go big & go big fast. Fuck inflation. Order the treasury to start printing money. You will not beat Trump by impeaching or prosecuting him. You must beat him on the battlefield of ideas & you do so by-
helping the people he ignored. People with good jobs, food on the table & a roof over their head dont have time to do insurrections. If U help these people, you will choke off the fuel to Trumpism. Some black people will criticize me for taking this approach. My simple retort is-
you can't out-violence white people. We don't make guns. We don't make bombs. We don't make shit. You have to make it such that everyone eats. Otherwise you have to deal with the warning Heather McGhee lays out in her new book: white resentment.
Obama did not get this. He made it such that only rich white oligarchs got to feast. Everyone else got crumbs. I need you to get precisely what peace requires. There are a good number of white people in this country which would rather burn this country down than to allow any-
Negro 2 get ahead. Survival demands that I stay away from such people. Survival also requires we make it possible for everyone to eat, less the hungry man, of any race, come take your food. To the revolutionary minded, trust me my nigga, you don't have enough guns or bullets to-
beat back that fight when it shows up at your front door. This was the entire premise behind the old "Atlanta Way," where after the 1906 Atlanta Race Riots or shit, "Atlanta Massacre," as some historians called it. There were a secret society of elder blacks & whites who met in
secret any time there was racial conflict. The entire reason for their existence was to keep the peace. They knew Atlanta had become a powder keg of racial tensions & many blacks were arming themselves to stage off white violence. These elder blacks knew what I said above:
U cant outviolence white people. Now some time ago, 1 of my followers criticized me for this take, saying, "thats coward talk, there plenty of times in history where a smaller group defeated a larger more powerful group." True, but not in the age of nuclear & biological warfare.
Hear me. Many black people don't understand just how perilous our lot is on American soil. Here are the facts of the matter. If white people wanted to, they could exterminate all black people on American soil overnight. A B2 bombing campaign could flatten every black community-
in short order. Nigga please. Put dat little AR15 away. You gotta B52 bomber packed w/2,400 pound B83 nuclear bombs my nigga? You got some Ohio class submarines decked out w/a buffet of Tomahawk Cruise missiles that can hit your ass from 1,500 miles away?
Hear me & hear me well. Any black person standing on American soil advocating for armed revolution is unknowingly advocating for the wholesale genocide of black people. Again, you can't out-violence white people. I'm not sure if it's even in black people to try.
Respectability politics was a survival tactic born out of the default position that black revolution was a suicide mission. Since violence is not an option & if you plan to eke out an existence in America without massive black blood shed, U had to figure out a way to placate-
white people. Now to be clear, my remarks could easily be interpreted as bootlicking & acrobatic genuflection to whiteness. Not quite. Fine line. What I'm talking about is survival. Dignity means little to the dead. Thus, I want the biggest swath of Americans to be taken care of-
Even the racist white people. Despite the fact I do my best to patronize black businesses, if there is something I need that is not offered by "Us," I will purposely buy it from an American Co. & NOT order it from overseas, even if I know that Co. is racist-owned? Why?
Because despite the fact that the white business owner may be racist, HE IS MY RACIST & I prioritize American companies over foreign companies. Besides, have you ever been to China? Chinese people can be just as racist against black people as white people. Real talk.
To illustrate what I'm getting at, consider this: some yrs ago a friend of mine opened a couple of restaurants in the metro-Wakanda area. I meant metro-Atlanta. 1 of those restaurants was in a white community. One year he made almost $9 million net profit after taxes & expenses.
Now this spot was very nice & it became a frequent go 2 for young black professionals. Get that. A black man. A black restaurant/lounge. Black professional customers. White community. $9 million dollars. Read that back 10 times & let me know when the light comes on.
I advised him to donate a half million to the local fraternal order of police & to buy the local police departments a few new police cars & donate to a few local election races, specifically judges, sheriffs & county commissioners. He refused. Shortly thereafter, the police-
started setting up DUI traps right outside his restaurant/lounge. A good # of black professionals got snagged in these stops & a few of them lost their jobs. His business went to shit asap. What this gent failed 2 comprehend was the cost of doing business in a white community.
There was no way good white folks were going 2 allow a black man 2 come n2 a white community & make millions w/o paying a tax. He didn't understand this. Was this right? No. Is it reality? Yes. Mafia moves. All of a sudden, he started getting complaints & code enforcement issues.
The harassment became so great, he ultimately shut down the business & sold the building at a loss. This is a cautionary tale for black people or anyone not understanding the climate in which they do business. Many people complain about the bribes you have to pay when doing-
business in Africa. We do the same thing here albeit by different means. Everything is give and take & no one like people who just take, take, take. This is why you see professional sports teams breaking their back doing community service projects to give off the appearance of-
giving a fuck about communities they operate in. The Scratch-my-back-&-I'll-scratch-yours philosophy makes the world go round. Likewise, we need black politicians & black businessmen/women who get this & don't get caught up in their feelings when operating in the public square.
So yes, I'll do business w/a racist if it means I cant find the product/svc in my community or if it means keeping an American family fed over a foreign family. I'm of the perspective that there is no American company w/o racism in its boardrooms. Therefore, my nigga, my racist.

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